​Displaying prices in crypto currencies
As a general guide, crypto currency prices should be displayed alongside the traditional currency price.
You must make sure the traditional price, eg sterling, is:​
- clear
- unamb​iguous
- easily identifiable
You must also remem​ber to display any associated costs for postage, packaging and delivery.​
Selling on the high street and displaying crypto currencies​
There is a legal requirement to display the price of goods in sterling if you're selling on the high street.
Supplementary crypto currency prices can be displayed but should not be more noticeable than the sterling price.
​Distance selling​​ (internet or phone sales)​​​​ and displaying crypto currencies
If you sell to consumers at a distance, eg over the internet or phone, you must provide the consumer with the price of the goods or services in a traditional currency, including all applicable taxes.​
You may display supplementary crypto currency prices as an alternative means of payment.
If you display crypto currency prices, you must be explicit about what format any refunds may take and should also be reflected in your terms and conditions.
Be aware that there may be fluctuations in the crypto currency exchange rate between payment taken and refund given.
Adverts and displaying crypto currencies
Prices for goods displayed in advertisements must be indicated in sterling and inclusive of GST.
Crypto currency prices can also be displayed so long as the sterling price is clear, unambigious and easily identifiable.
Advice applie​s to business to consumer contracts only
​This advice relates to business to consumer​ contracts only and not business to business contracts.​