​​​The ban on single use bags In Jersey, customers no longer receive single use carrier bags made of plastic or paper when buying goods.
As a trader, you:
can’t import or supply single use paper and plastic bags must charge at least 70 pence for a reusable bag made of recyclable paper or plastic. This must be charged separately and include GST You can be fined up to £1,000 if you don’t follow the law.
The restrictions are in place to:
reduce waste encourage customers to bring their own bag change our culture support the global efforts to reduce carbon emissions This doesn’t apply to bags made from other materials such as cotton, canvas and jute.
Single Use Plastics etc. (Restrictions) (Jersey) Law 2021
Trader guide to single use plastics law
Single use plastic technical gu​idance
Guide for marketing and events
Bags you must charge for If you supply the following bags, they must:
meet the specifications provided in the table below be charged at a minimum of 70 pence, including GST You can use the profits from selling these bags how you want.
If you’re a bag wholesaler or distributor, the minimum price doesn’t have to be added to the wholesale price.
Plastic reusable bag Carrier bag with or without handles, made of recyclable plastic, with wall thickness of 50 microns or above. Paper reusable bag Carrier bag with or without handles, made of recyclable paper to a weight of 170 gsm or above.
Bags you can supply for free​ You can supply customers the following bags free of charge.
Very lightweight plastic carrier bag Bags with or without handles, made of plastic with wall thickness of less than 15 microns and meeting the OK Compost Home certification or equivalent. Paper 'counter' bag Paper bag with or without a handle, less than 50 gsm. Integral product packaging Bags that are an integral part of the packaging in which goods are sealed prior to sale. Gift bag Paper bags, with or without handles, purchased for the intended purpose of gift wrapping only. Foil lined paper bag Bags used for heated food that give off grease and excess moisture such as rotisserie chicken. Bags used for fish Bags used to supply uncooked fish, fish products or live fish pre-packaged on your premises or packaged in front of the customer.
If you supply a second bag for customers to transport the packaged product, you need to charge for this bag.
If the products are pre-packaged off your premises, such as smoked salmon, you'll need to charge if supplying another bag for transport.
Uncooked fish products cover:
uncooked fish uncooked molluscs uncooked cephalopods uncooked crustaceans uncooked bivalves uncooked marine gastropods smoked fish products regardless of whether they're ready to eat. For example, kippers, smoked mackerel, or smoked salmon Other Bags such as bin liners and nappy sacks purchased and used for their intended purpose.
Bags that are used for:
uncooked meat and meat products prescription medicine or prescription appliances goods in transport, such as at an airport, plane or ship
Bags you can’t supply or import You can’t supply of import the following bags.
Lightweight plastic carrier bag Bags with or without handles, made of plastic with wall thickness between 15 microns and 50 microns. Very lightweight plastic carrier bag Bags with or without handles, made of plastic with wall thickness of less than 15 microns and not meeting the OK Compost Home certification or equivalent.
Plastic bags of less than 15 microns that comply with the OK Compost Home certification​ or equivalent, can be used.
Paper carrier bag Bags with or without handles, made of paper to a weight between 50 grams per square meter (gsm) and 170 gsm. Non-recyclable plastic carrier bag Bags with or without handles, made of non-recyclable plastic, with wall thickness of 50 microns or above. Non-recyclable paper carrier bag Bags with or without handles, made of non-recyclable paper to a weight of 170 gsm or above.
Reuse scheme for second-hand bags You can provide customers with a reuse scheme for second-hand bags.
A reuse scheme means that customers can bring pre-owned bags to your premises for other customers. These second-hand bags would be free of charge.
The scheme encourages recycling and extends the life of bags already in circulation.
OK Compost Home certification Very lightweight plastic carrier bags you may supply free of charge must comply with the OK Compost Home certification, or equivalent.
The certification means that a bag is suitable for home composting.
The equivalents are:
France: NF T 51800 (2015). Specifications for plastics suitable for home composting Europe: prEN 17427 (2020). Requirements and test scheme for packaging and carrier bags suitable for treatment in well-managed home composting installations ​Australia: AS 5810 (2010). Biodegradable plastics suitable for home composting Ok Compost Home on TÜV AUSTRIA (TÜV AUSTRIA are the certification body)