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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Creative Island Partnership


The Creative Island Partnership (CIP) has been established by the Government as a forum for individuals interested in working together to deliver the objectives of the Arts Strategy.

The CIP is a network that includes:

  • regularly funded arts and cultural organisations
  • lead partners in sport, education, business, health, tourism and environment
  • independent expert arts and cultural advisors (who may be working internationally)
  • a wider group of leaders, creative practitioners and entrepreneurs whose work is connected to the creative sector

Members' work

As a CIP working group member, you may have access to information that may not be in the public domain. Your views will help shape the way in which the Government invests in projects.

Members are expected to attend the 2 annual gatherings of the whole network. The first larger gathering of 2023 will take place on 25 May and the second in October. You'll also be asked to join the smaller task and finish working groups where the themes of the group intersect with your expertise and interests.

The working groups will help deliver projects to fulfil goals of the 4 pillars of the Arts Strategy:

  • Education and Personal Development
  • Health and Sustainable Wellbeing
  • Environment and Place-making
  • Economic Prosperity and Inclusive Growth

Your name will be publicly available as a member of the working group. You'll be asked to agree to adhere to the group's terms of reference covering conflicts of interest and make sure sensitive information is not shared beyond the group.

Members will automatically be invited to CIP and arts events, networking and development opportunities.

Joining the Creative Island Partnership

Joining the CIP is free.

You will need to:

  • agree to the CIP Terms of reference
  • state which working groups you want to be involved with (the working groups are listed in the form)

Join the Creative Island Partnership

CIP terms of reference

The CIP is modelled on place-based partnerships or ‘compacts’ in England. The purpose and aim of the partnership is to boost the profile, connectivity and investment across the arts, and build strategic relations with other key sectors.

The partnership will provide a space for knowledge exchange, ideas generation and direct engagement with Government, via the Arts and Culture Team within Local Economy, and the responsible Minister.

Following the establishment of the network, a set of smaller thematic task and finish groups will be launched by the CIP. They will remain active for a minimum of 2 years to continue the delivery of the Arts Strategy. Each group will include a representative from a relevant Government department together with a group of CIP members who have opted to join the task and finish group. The smaller groups will also be required to draw on:

  • expert independent advice
  • inclusive of commissioning research
  • feasibility activities

Time commitment

Becoming a member of the partnership does not entail any fixed time commitment. However, members are expected to attend the 2 larger gatherings of the whole network every year. 

Diversity and sharing of ideas

We want to hear voices from every part of our community and beyond. The CIP aims to engage a diverse group of stakeholders, working with as many sectors of the community as possible. As well as cultural, ethnic and gender diversity, we will seek to include representatives from a diverse cross-section of other organisations and sectors of the economy. This includes community groups, sport, education, health and wellbeing and those currently not engaged with arts and culture.


The Partnership is a place to build trust. Some information discussed in meetings may be personal or not accessible to the public. We expect members to not disclose or discuss this information outside of the CIP and maintain confidentiality. This includes the sharing of data without written consent from the Department of the Economy.


Meetings will be forums which may influence Government policy or expenditure. These meetings will be required to be transparent and ensure appropriate corporate governance to ensure that future Government decisions can be justified.

To that end, meetings will be chaired and have an agenda. Minutes will record those who are in attendance (unless there is a justifiable reason for their name being redacted) and agreed actions arising from it. Minutes of the meetings will seek to strike a balance between providing a forum where all attendees can speak openly and freely without fear (Chatham House Rules), and enabling the minutes to be an accurate record and explanation of the decisions taken.

Free speech and respect

The CIP has a policy of free speech. Some issues may be sensitive, and we expect our members to  always be respectful of one another. Members that are rude, offensive, talk over, harass or shut down other members may be asked to leave meetings or gatherings.

Members who are disrespectful will also be asked to leave. 

Transparency and conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest may occur where one of the task and finish groups commission projects, research or events. Particularly with regard to funding.

Financial interests should be declared immediately or as soon as they arise. Members who are dishonest or not forthcoming about their intentions will be asked to leave the partnership. 


The CIP will be a newly establish partnership. We invite you to help us improve the running of the CIP.

For any questions email

CIP Terms of Reference

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