14 March 2013
Fuel storage and procedures at the Amaizinâ Maize have been significantly tightened up following an oil spill which affected water around Val de La Mare reservoir and St Ouenâs Pond.
Early last year oil leaked from a fuel rig owned and operated by La Hougue Farm 1975 Ltd, which operates the Amaizinâ Maize. The fuel ran into the stream that flows from Val de la Mare towards Les Mielles Golf course.
Quick action by Environmental Protection meant that staff at the golf course isolated their ponds from the stream before any contamination reached them, but some fuel did reach the Site of Special Interest at St Ouenâs Pond, the largest area of naturally occurring water in Jersey. Environmental Protection used oil absorbent booms and matting to absorb as much of the pollutant as possible and protect the rest of the SSI from contamination.
Water quality recovering
The stream water and local ecosystem was polluted and water quality in the affected stream went from good or excellent to poor. Water samples taken nearly a year later still showed evidence of some residual oil in the stream bed.
However, water quality is now starting to recover, and there has been no long term impact on the plants and wildlife around the pond, according to the National Trust for Jersey.
An investigation by the Environmental Protection team showed the spill came from a oil tank used to re-fuel vehicles at the Amaizinâ Maize. A piece of kit had been changed and failure to follow an established re-fuelling procedure resulting in the stop valve on the tank being left open.
On February 22 2013, representatives of La Hougue Farm 1975 Ltd pleaded guilty to causing pollution under the Water Pollution (Jersey) Law, 2000 and were fined ÂŁ1000.
According to Environmental Protection, La Hougue Farm (1975) Limited were co-operative throughout the investigation and have subsequently worked with Environmental Protection to improve the fuel storage and procedures at the Amaizinâ Maize.
Kate Roberts from Environmental Protection said: âOils and fuels are damaging and persistent water pollutants that are difficult to clean up. Prevention is definitely better than cure.â
You can get pollution prevention advice and information on âoil careâ from the Environment Department by contacting their Pollution Hotline on 01534 709535.