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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Planning approval for next phase of Esplanade Quarter

16 January 2014

Jerseyā€™s Planning Minister has considered plans for Jersey Development Companyā€™s (JDC) proposed new office development, Esplanade Quarter.
Deputy Rob Duhamel has indicated he is minded to approve plans for Building 1 of Esplanade Quarter, subject to the successful conclusion of a planning obligation agreement.
The Minister has also agreed plans for a new car park on the site. JDC has applied to build a 520-space underground public car park on three and a half levels with a new public park on the surface.
Plans for the first phase of Esplanade Quarter comprise 45,000 square metres of office accommodation, plus parking. Six buildings are proposed. Planning permission has already been granted for Building 4.
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