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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Jersey 3D model

​​About the Jersey 3D model

The model provides easy access to a 3D visual representation of the whole of Jersey. It has been created using aerial photography and ground level photo surveys.

It consists of:

  • terrain
  • buildings with roof textures (whole Island)
  • buildings with roof textures and façade textures (St Helier only)
  • vegetation canopy 
  • walls and fences

This information is used by industry and government to assess the impacts of heights, orientation and design on a site or surrounding area. It is also used for education and has greater potential of just development assessment.


The 3D model is used for major Island developments where planning officers can analyse proposed developments in greater detail. By animating a proposed development in 3D, it can be viewed from a range of aspects, including:

  • ground level
  • mid height
  • bird’s eye view
  • time of day or year (shadowing analysis)

You can view a planning application in 3D and have your say on the planning and building application register​.

Planning requirements

Applications for new developments for buildings over 200 square meters usually require a 3D model as part of a planning application. Proposed 3D models must also be incorporated to the Jersey's 3D model.

Technical guidance for submitting 3D models

3D model coverage

The 3D model of St Helier covers other parts of the Island. Over time all buildings will eventually be captured in 3D. You can see which buildings are currently available in 3D by viewing the key m​ap.

Access to the model

If you're an architect or developer with a current mapping licence you can have full access to all of the Jersey 3D model data.

If you're not a mapping licence holder and would like access to the 3D model data, contact one of our commercial business partners.

It is held in both Drawing Exchan​ge Format (DXF) and Sketchup formats (SKP).

Our commercial business partners

You can view a planning application in 3D at â€‹Employment, Social Security and Housing​ (Union Street) or on the planning and building application register.
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