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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

2017 news

  • Raising standards for rental homes

    25 October 2017
    The States are to be asked to approve a law to bring in minimum standards for rental accommodation in Jersey
  • Asian hornet guidance

    25 October 2017
    The Department of the Environment has issued further guidance about Asian Hornets, asking people to continue to look for and report nests, but not to approach or touch them
  • States asked to decide on proposed land development levy

    18 October 2017
    The Minister for the Environment is to ask the States to agree to the principle of introducing a Jersey Infrastructure Levy
  • Bats on the timetable

    13 October 2017
    The Department of the Environment is working with local primary schools to help pupils learn about Jersey bats in science lessons.
  • Rural economy ā€“ next step for farmers

    05 October 2017
    Jerseyā€™s farmers are undergoing training this week to help them become accredited under Jerseyā€™s new rural support scheme.
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