- Date
- 28 December 2017
The Minister for the Environment has agreed fee increases for the departmentâs services for 2018
- Date
- 22 December 2017
Jerseyâs Planning Committee has approved plans to knock down the old swimming pool, walkway and cable car station at Fort Regent
- Date
- 19 December 2017
- Date
- 14 December 2017
Homes available to rent in Jersey will soon have to meet minimum standards
- Date
- 06 December 2017
A partnership between government and farmers to improve Jerseyâs water quality is making a difference, the latest figures show
- Date
- 05 December 2017
Dates for inquiries into two significant planning proposals have been announced and Islanders urged to come forward with their views
- Date
- 22 November 2017
Every restaurant, cafĂ©, and takeaway in Jersey must show their âEat Safeâ food
safety and hygiene standard rating from next month or face prosecution.
- Date
- 20 November 2017
Laboratory tests have confirmed that a chemical linked to the death of a dog in the summer was the banned pesticide Phorate
- Date
- 09 November 2017
The Minister for the Environment has decided to call a public inquiry to consider an application to build 65 homes on Green Zone land in St Peter.
- Date
- 02 November 2017
Islanders are being asked for their input to a review of the Esplanade Quarter planning blueprint
- Date
- 25 October 2017
The States are to be asked to approve a law to bring in minimum standards for rental accommodation in Jersey
- Date
- 25 October 2017
The Department of the Environment has issued further guidance about Asian Hornets, asking people to continue to look for and report nests, but not to approach or touch them
- Date
- 18 October 2017
The Minister for the Environment is to ask the States to agree to the principle of introducing a Jersey Infrastructure Levy
- Date
- 13 October 2017
The Department of the Environment is working with local primary schools to help pupils learn about Jersey bats in science lessons.
- Date
- 05 October 2017
Jerseyâs farmers are undergoing training this week to help them become accredited under Jerseyâs new rural support scheme.
- Date
- 27 September 2017
Jerseyâs offshore reefs, internationally recognised for their importance to wildlife, are now protected from disturbance by dredging and trawling
- Date
- 26 September 2017
The Department of the Environment has set out the research which shows glyphosate is a safe and effective weed killer if used in accordance with the product guidelines
- Date
- 25 September 2017
The States of Jersey Meteorological Section (Jersey Met) is due to move to its new Department of the Environment South Hill office on Tuesday 26 September.
- Date
- 22 September 2017
The Household Re-use and Recycling Centre has been recognised for its design, art work and sustainability in the Jersey Architectural Commission design competition
- Date
- 20 September 2017
A Portuguese man-o-war has been removed from St Ouenâs beach today. The Department of the Environment is asking beachgoers to keep an eye out for any more that wash up and report their sightings, but not to touch them
- Date
- 07 September 2017
A new tagging initiative that will let diners and shoppers choose local bass caught using a
sustainable hook and line fishery has been launched
- Date
- 07 September 2017
Jersey is to hold a 24-hour-long celebration of the best of local architecture and design later this month.
- Date
- 07 September 2017
The independent inspector leading the Future Hospital public inquiry has extended the deadline for statements of case by two weeks to 22 September
- Date
- 25 August 2017
The Planning Committee has given the go-ahead for the expansion of a cider business in rural St Ouen
- Date
- 23 August 2017
Islanders with views about the planning application for Jerseyâs new hospital are being urged to contact the inquiryâs independent inspector ahead of the September 8 deadline for submissions.
- Date
- 21 August 2017
People are being asked for their views on public space in St Helier. The results will be used to shape an open space strategy being developed by the Department of the Environment.
- Date
- 17 August 2017
A trial of locally grown hemp is progressing well following favourable growing conditions this summer
- Date
- 16 August 2017
The Minister for the Environment has decided to hold a public inquiry on a planning application for a new holiday village on the border of St Lawrence and St Mary
- Date
- 28 July 2017
Plans for a new sewage treatment works are turned down by Planning Committee, who say neighbours' concerns must be addressed
- Date
- 27 July 2017
Up to date information, verified by international scientists, shows that Jerseyâs greenhouse gas emissions have dropped by 40% since 1990
- Date
- 27 July 2017
Jersey is rolling out a new way of providing financial support to farmers that the UK may now consider
- Date
- 21 July 2017
The Minister for the Environment has decided to hold a public inquiry to consider the application for a new hospital for Jersey
- Date
- 19 July 2017
The results of recent tests in Jerseyâs tunnel confirm the air quality during peak times is poor.
- Date
- 17 July 2017
All landlords and property agents will soon have the opportunity to join a scheme designed to improve the standard of rental accommodation in Jersey
- Date
- 05 July 2017
The Environment Department is asking Islanders to look out for the Asian hornet and report any sightings. It isnât a risk to people but it may harm Jerseyâs honey bees
- Date
- 30 June 2017
Jersey's recreational bass fishery will remain âcatch and releaseâ for the remainder of 2017. These rules apply to all recreational fishermen in Jersey territorial waters, including Les ĂcrĂ©hous and Les Minquiers
- Date
- 29 June 2017
A Jersey farmerâs plans to develop a home and tourist accommodation for a farm-stay business on Green Zone land in St Lawrence are approved by the Planning Committee.
- Date
- 23 June 2017
Swimmers and beach-goers are reminded to remain alert for the possibility of jellyfish stings along Jerseyâs north coast
- Date
- 23 June 2017
A consultation has been launched on the possible introduction of a low and fair charge called a Jersey Infrastructure Levy to fund community facilities and services such as parks, road safety and transport improvements
- Date
- 13 June 2017
The Minister for the Environment has launched a scheme to encourage new entrants to the fishing industry by offering licences on loan
- Date
- 13 June 2017
The closing date for the Jersey Architecture Design Awards is noon on Friday 16 June 2017. It is open to designers, architects and developers who have contributed positively to the built environment of Jersey in the last two years
- Date
- 08 June 2017
Information about short and longer-term measures the States is taking to reduce the growth of sea lettuce in Jersey
- Date
- 25 May 2017
The States Vet has confirmed that measures currently in place in Jersey to reduce the risk of avian influenza (also known as avian flu or bird flu) have largely been lifted
- Date
- 22 May 2017
A record number of pets travelling to Jersey from mainland Europe has prompted the States Vet to remind people to follow the importation rules
- Date
- 22 May 2017
Work to review and update the planning blueprint for Jerseyâs Esplanade Quarter has moved forward with the appointment of an impartial, independent design body to support the Department of the Environmentâs work
- Date
- 18 May 2017
The Minister for the Environment is proposing measures to further protect the internationally-recognised offshore reefs of Les Minquiers and Les ĂcrĂ©hous
- Date
- 16 May 2017
In 2016 all 14 of Jerseyâs bathing waters met new stricter European standards for bathing water quality
- Date
- 10 May 2017
A competition to increase awareness of Jerseyâs unique marine and coastal environment has been launched by the Department of the Environment
- Date
- 27 April 2017
The Department of the Environment is reminding people about the safe way to use pesticides
- Date
- 26 April 2017
The Minister for the Environment is to join representatives from UK Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories to discuss how to work more closely together on environmental issues at a meeting in Alderney
- Date
- 20 April 2017
The Jersey Architecture Design Awards, which celebrate and promote the work of local architects and designers, are to be officially launched tonight (Thursday 20 April)
- Date
- 03 April 2017
The Minister for the Environment has agreed a new planning policy that means planning permissions expire at the end of three years, rather than the current five years
- Date
- 29 March 2017
The Minister for the Environment has published new draft guidance on planning obligation agreements and is asking for peopleâs views
- Date
- 23 March 2017
Islanders are being asked to join millions of people around the world this Saturday in turning their lights off as part of Earth Hour 2017
- Date
- 15 March 2017
Jersey Met is working more closely with its UK counterparts to reduce disruption caused by extended periods of fog, experienced in Jersey recently
- Date
- 01 March 2017
The risk of an outbreak of avian flu remains low but uncertain, and the States Veterinary Officer is advising no change to the current measures in place.
- Date
- 22 February 2017
The first water quality tests of the 2017 growing season show that levels of pesticides in untreated water are similar to those recorded last year
- Date
- 08 February 2017
The Minister for the Environment has ordered an immediate ban on the sale and distribution of the chemical weed killer Linuron
- Date
- 02 February 2017
Measures to protect Jerseyâs bass stocks have come into force following approval by the Minister for the Environment,
- Date
- 31 January 2017
Permission has been granted for 12 new homes to be built on the Living Legend site in St Peterâs Valley following approval from the Planning Committee
- Date
- 25 January 2017
All Island residents are invited to a two-day event next month focusing on Jerseyâs wildlife
- Date
- 24 January 2017
The Department of the Environment wants help to find those responsible for dumping hazardous asbestos in a field near Maufant.
- Date
- 11 January 2017
The risk of an outbreak of avian influenza in Jersey is low, but the Department of the Environmentâs Veterinary Officer is taking a number of steps to reduce the risk