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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Bulky Waste Facility to close for maintenance

26 February 2019

La Collette power station, industrial area and recycling area

ā€‹The Bulky Waste Facility at La Collette will be closed to customers this Saturday (2 March) so that it can undergo essential maintenance work. 

The facility deals with large combustible items like furniture and mattresses that need to be broken down and shredded before they can be disposed of. It is usually open from 7.30am to 12pm on Saturdays, and 7.30am to 4.15pm Monday to Friday. 

All customers are asked not to bring bulky items to La Collette on Saturday while the maintenance work takes place. The rest of the recycling and waste disposal facilities at the site will remain open during the works, and the Bulky Waste Facility will open again as normal from Monday 4 March. 

Weā€™re sorry for any inconvenience and thank islanders for their cooperation.

More information, including opening hours for all of the waste disposal and recycling facilities, can be found on

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