08 February 2019

Revenue Jersey is launching a four month campaign designed to support islanders as they face the annual task of completing their tax returns.
During a series of public briefings last year, Revenue Jersey announced its commitment to ‘make it easier’ for taxpayers to understand and meet their tax obligations.
Since then, a range of help and guidance for filling in tax returns has been created, including a series of instructional online videos. Over the coming months, reminders will be sent out via online videos and printable help guides about the information taxpayers may need to fill out their forms. Helpful tips on each section of the revamped 2018 form will also help to improve accuracy.
Richard Summersgill, Comptroller of Taxes said: "Research tells us that the majority of customers want to understand what they have to do to get their taxes right and be able to complete the task as quickly and simply as possible. We believe the clear and accessible support will also increase the accuracy of information that customers put on their returns."
The guidance will also promote the additional support available including large print copies of the form, guide notes for partially sighted customers and subtitled videos in Polish and Portuguese.
It is anticipated that the provision of the subtitled videos will also help customers avoid a trip to the help desk at Customer and Local Services which can become busy with people wanting to have their forms checked.
Additionally, 49,000 islanders this year will have received a short four page rather than eight page return, compared with just 13,000 people last year. This means far fewer islanders face the prospect of a long form with lots of sections that they may be unsure if they need to fill in.
Next year, customers will have the option to file online and if their affairs are simple, receive their assessment on screen nearly immediately. Until then, Revenue Jersey suggest customers who need their assessment result quickly, will need to file early.
Customers who need advice on specific matters are reminded that the quickest way to resolve queries is to call the Personal Tax team on +44(0)1534 440 300 where calls are currently answered with in 27 seconds and resolved on average, in under 3 minutes.