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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Help with filling out your paper personal tax return

​​File your tax return online

File your 2023 tax return

You'll need to activate your onegov account, which include​s setting up your Government Digital ID before you file your tax return.

There are a number of steps to creating your digital ID and signing up for a onegov account, but it only has to be done once.

JerseyMe Digital ID

Yoti Digital ID


If you're required to file a personal tax return the deadline is:

Paper tax return
Online tax return
​Midnight 31 May​Midnight 31 July

Penalties for late personal tax returns

Post your paper return

Send your completed return to:

Revenue Jersey, PO Box 56, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PF

Print a personal tax return

If you need another paper personal tax return you can print it here.

You'll need to personalise it by writing in your name, address and tax identification number (TIN).

Short return (8 pages)

This return is suitable for most circumstances and has sections for:

  • employment
  • pension income
  • renting a room in your home
  • savings, trusts and other investment income
  • contributions into private pension plans
  • giving to Jersey charities
  • mortgage interest relief
  • children

Personal tax return (short) 2024

Per​​sonal tax return (short) 2023​

Personal tax return (short) 2022

Personal tax return (short) 2021

Personal tax return (short) 2020

Personal tax return (short) 2019  

Long return (12 pages)

In addition to the sections on the short return, this return also has sections for:

  • self-employment
  • partnership income
  • intermediary service vehicle (ISV) income
  • relief for interest on machinery and plant
  • relief for acquisition of trade, partnership ​share or trading company
  • distributions from Jersey companies
  • shareholder loans from Jersey companies
  • property income

​Personal tax return (long) 2024

Personal tax return (long) 2023

Personal tax return (long) 2022

Personal tax return (long) 2021

Personal tax return (long) 2020

Personal tax return (long) 2019

Extra sections for your paper tax return

Pension income with tax deducted at source

Pension income with tax deducted at source supplementary section


Children extra section


self-employment section 2024

Self-employment section 2023

Self-employment section (2022)​​

Self-employment section (2021)

Self-employment section (2020)​

Self-employment section (2019)

Property income

property income extra section 2024

​Property income extra section (2023)

Property income extra section (2022)

Property income extra section (2021)

Property income extra section (2020)

Property income extra section (2019)

Request another paper return

If you cannot print a blank tax return or need a non​-resident tax return, you can request one using the online form below.

You'll need your TIN or social security number.

If you're requesting a replacement paper tax return, you need to allow enough time to send the form back to us before the 31 May filing deadline.

Request a personal tax return

Large print tax return

If you need a large print A3 version of the personal tax return, you can call us to request one.

Completing a tax return

If we send you a tax return, you must complete it and submit it back to us to make sure that you pay the correct amount of tax for that year.

Your completed return gives us your declaration of all your income, reliefs and deductions so we can assess how much tax and long-term care contributions you have to pay.

If you pay tax by Income Tax Instalment Scheme (ITIS) we'll update your effective rate.

If you pay on account we'll tell you how much your balancing payment needs to be.

If you need extra help with your tax return

​​​Revenue Jersey can't fill in your tax return for you or give you tax advice, but if you need the following help our officers can help you:

  • if income is taxable or non-taxable
  • if an allowance or a deduction​ can be claimed
  • which section of the form your income, deduction or allowance should go in​

If you want a tax professional to complete the tax return on your behalf, or you need tax advice, approved tax agents offer this service.

Including paperwork with the return

There's no need to include any of your payslips, receipts or certificates with your return.

The only thing you might need to include is a foreign tax computation if you're claiming relief for foreign tax paid.

You do still need to keep all your financial records safe in case we ask to see them.

Record keeping

Non-resident tax return

If you've received a non-resident tax return use these notes to help you complete it.

Non-resident tax return help 

Spouse or civil partner's access to information

Spouses and civil partners can freely request information on the joint tax record that relates to the year of assessment 2021 and future years.

This does not apply to a record that is independently taxed.

A letter of authority will still be required for any years before 2021. 

If you don't receive a tax form

If you think you should be paying tax and haven't received a form, contact us immediately.

Check the annual allo​wances to see if you should be paying tax and completing a tax return.

2024 tax allowances​

You have left Jersey permanently

If you think a form has been sent to you error, for example you have left Jersey and have no sources of Jersey taxable income in the year, complete the online leavers form.

Shareholder taxation 2009 to 2012

From 1 January 2013, new rules were introduced for the taxation of distributions of Jersey companies. The new version of the paper return reflects these changes.

If you need to make a return for the years 2009 to 2012, you can use the following supplementary sheet. Guidance notes are included.​

Shareholder supplementary sheet for returns 2009 to 2012

​Company tax returns

For help, visit the company tax return section.

Guidance notes for the paper tax return

Short 8 page return

​Section of tax return
​Pension income and taxable Social Security benefits
​Renting a room in your home
​Savings, trusts and other investment income
​Other income
​Contributions into approved Jersey private pension plans
​Giving to Jersey charities
​Mortgage interest relief for Jersey property

Additional sections on long 12 page return

​Section of tax return
​Partnership income
​Intermediary Service Vehicle (ISV) income
​Relief for interest on machinery and plant
​Relief for interest on acquisition of trade, partnership share or trading company
​Distributions from Jersey companies
​Shareholder loans from Jersey companies
​Property income
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