19 February 2021

A new independent report has been published as part of a number of appraisals helping to shape the Island Plan.
The Historic Environment review was commissioned as part of the evidence base for the new Island Plan and will help set new planning policies as well as suggesting other ways to improve the protection of Jersey's heritage both in the island and its surrounding waters.
Over 60 stakeholders, including members from the Société Jersiaise, the National Trust for Jersey, and Jersey Heritage provided input together with the Government, to put the report together.
Minister for Environment, Deputy John Young said: "Our lives are shaped by the evidence of Jersey's rich heritage which surrounds us every day. It reminds us as a community of past generations and events which inspire us in so many ways. We cannot take this heritage for granted and have a duty to ensure that the Island's historic environment is protected for future generations whilst working to accommodate a carbon neutral and more sustainable future.
"While the report recognises some of the strengths in our system , it also identifies the need for stronger policies and laws we can improve on. The report has given us a sound base for the island Plan work of strengthening and updating these policies in the coming months."
The report can be found here.