30 July 2021

Adult Islanders and those turning 18 years old within three months-time, will be able to get vaccinated against Covid-19 at various locations around the Island as part of the Vaccination Programme's 'Rock Up' campaign which starts next Monday, 2 August.
Islanders are also able to rock up to any one of the vaccination clinics to ask the medical staff any questions they may have if they are unsure about the vaccine.
Vaccinations will be provided on a first come first served basis and will be for first doses only. No appointment is required but Islanders must bring a form of photo ID. Islanders are welcome to rock up with their friends too.
Vaccination clinics will be located around the Island, including the Royal Square, Springfield Stadium, Les Quennevais, and other popular sites. More details of the schedule can be found online at gov.je.
The vaccines will be administered by a nurse in an ambulance and there will be a waiting area where Islanders are encouraged to wait fifteen minutes post vaccination, just as Islanders would at Fort Regent's vaccination centre. Fort Regent will continue to be used for those who have booked an appointment and for second doses.
Vaccination Programme, Operations Lead, Ross Barnes, said: "The latest stats show that over the past six weeks the number of under 40s who have now had both doses of the vaccine has risen from 25% to 65%. This big increase in Islanders now protected for summer is being driven by couples and people coming with their friends.
"To help, we have now expanded the Vaccination Programme with walk-in clinics and rock-ups making it easier for all Islanders to get their first Covid vaccine. I would urge anyone who has not yet had their first dose to rock up to one of the mobile clinics, get your vaccine and get protected for your summer.
"Certain stations will be open for a few hours over midday for Islanders to go during their lunchbreak, and between 5pm and 7pm in the evenings when Islanders are on their way home from work. Vaccination takes no longer than 20 minutes including your 15 minute observation period so rocking up by yourself or with your friends when you have a little spare time in your day couldn't be easier.
"I'd like to thank the vaccination team for their continued hard work and Islanders for continuing to support the vaccination programme."