28 January 2021

The weekly COVID-19 vaccination statistics indicate the programme is delivering the vaccine to priority groups efficiently and is on target with capacity to vaccinate all Islanders over 50 by the end of March.
Many Islanders most at risk to severe illness or mortality from COVID-19 have now been vaccinated with the first dose of vaccine, representing more than 10% of the Island’s population.
As of Sunday 24 January:
• 73% of those over 80 have received their first dose
• 11% of those over 80 have received their second dose
• 86% of care home residents have received their first dose
• 76% of care home residents have received their second dose
• 75% of care home staff have received their first dose
Vaccine Programme Lead, Becky Sherrington said: “I am so proud of how far the vaccination team has come since we administered the first vaccine 6 weeks ago. The protection the vaccines offer is significant to those whose lives are at risk to this awful virus. The defence they now have offers them a chance to regain that independence and, once public health guidance advises, social connection which is so important for wellbeing.
“We have given out more than 11,000 doses which is a significant operational success and shows our model for vaccinating has proven to be as efficient and robust as we had planned.
“Our targets continue to be dependent on the supply of the vaccine, which is our main limiting factor. However, our capacity and ability to vaccinate all over 50s by the end of March still stands which is a testament to the hard work, motivation and passion of our vaccination staff and everyone in Jersey who helps get the vaccines from the UK.”
The figures today show a total of 8,218 Islanders who have received at least one dose of the vaccine and 3,045 people have received their second dose. More than 800 home visit appointments have been booked over the next two weeks offering further protection for those most at risk.
The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf said: “It is extremely encouraging to see the progress made and I urge those who have been vaccinated to continue following public health guidance. Our Island’s health care staff are working incredibly hard to deliver this vaccine programme, day in and day out to protect lives. We can all continue to protect each other at this time by adhering to current guidance and in turn, show respect to the hard work of our vaccination teams, hospital staff and community staff during this pandemic.”
The vaccination schedule is now open to Islanders 75+ and from Monday 1 February all extremely clinically vulnerable (high-risk) Islanders and those aged 70-74 are invited to book their appointments.
Islanders can access the booking system online or call the Helpline on freephone 0800 735 5566 or 445566 to book an appointment over the phone.