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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

St John’s Road trial

28 November 2023


From next Monday, St John's Road will be trialled for three months as a resident priority access zone, which means there will not be a through-route to Cheapside.

Motorists heading towards town along St John's Road will be directed to use Tower Road, Westmount Road, or Queen's Road to get to town.

Slow traffic and delays are anticipated in this area during peak times next week, while motorists adjust their routes to the scheme. Islanders are reminded to allow extra time for their journey and to plan their trip before leaving home.

In preparation for Monday, road works will be taking place to install raised tables on Parade Road and St John's Road. This will mean temporary closures on Thursday (30 Nov), Friday (1 Dec), and Sunday (3 Dec) this week, outside of peak times to minimise disruption.

Throughout the trial, traffic levels will be monitored to assess impacts on the surrounding roads in this part of town.

The scheme aims to make the area safer for residents and pedestrians. Islanders can share their feedback during the trial via Customer feedback - Start -

When the three-month trial is complete, the Minister for Infrastructure will consider, in consultation with the St Helier Roads Committee, the potential for permanent changes. For more information, visit: St John's road trial scheme (

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