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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

St John's road trial scheme

About the scheme

We will undertake a 6-month trial on St John's Road to make the area safer for residents and pedestrians.

The lower part of St John's Road between Parade Road to the north and Cheapside to the south will become one-way southbound towards Cheapside.

The trial will take place from Tuesday 28 May to Friday 29 November 2024.

Map of St John's Road trial scheme​​

This trial was requested by the Parish of St Helier and approved by the Minister for Infrastructure.


Drivers will not be able to access St John’s Road from Cheapside.

There won’t be a posted diversion route as the trial aims to reflect a potential permanent scheme.


Access to all businesses and premises will be maintained during the trial.

​Pedestrian access remains unchanged.


Bus routes will not be affected by the trial.

Benefits of the trial

The St John's Road trial scheme intends to:

  • reprioritise the lower section of St John’s Road to make it safer for pedestrians, with particular benefit to local residents
  • encourage people to use more sustainable forms of travel
  • create a more attractive environment that enhances local amenity

We will evaluated the trial over the 6-month trial period. If the trial scheme is successful then it will be considered for permanent implementation.​

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