17 October 2023
The Strategy that sets the direction for Jersey’s economy, and the Delivery Framework that
describes the next steps that will enable long-term sustainable economic development, have today
(Tuesday 17 October) been published as the foundation documents of the Future Economy
The Strategy for Sustainable Economic Development sets out how Jersey’s economy will:
- grow in ways that benefit all Islanders.
- have a culture of entrepreneurialism and innovation.
- be skilled and at ease with a culture of lifelong learning to supporting the future needs of
the Island.
- be international, protecting our global reputation and diversifying our export opportunities.
- be resilient to economic shocks and global trends, and agile to change.
The Delivery Framework for Sustainable Economic Development sets out this Government’s plan to
maximise the potential of the existing economy, and optimises new opportunities to grow and
complement our strengths by:
- developing growth enablers, such as enabling Jersey’s entrepreneurial spirit, supporting
renewable energy, international connectivity and research and development
- increasing existing sector productivity
- providing support from an effective public sector
The Minister for Sustainable Economic Development, Deputy Kirsten Morel, said: “Today’s
publication is a vital step towards Jersey becoming the consistently high-performing,
environmentally sustainable and technologically advanced small island economy by 2040 that we
need to become.
“By achieving this vision, we will not only develop an economy that supports the Island’s growing
healthcare costs but will also create an island that is increasingly attractive to people, most
importantly, ensuring that Jersey remains attractive to its young people, so they continue to choose
to live and work here.
“One of the key components of the Strategy is the need to reignite Jersey’s entrepreneurial spirit.
This is a call that needs to be answered by everyone. Private businesses and individuals may
already have it, but it needs to spread to us all, including to arm’s length bodies and the public
sector. By being more innovative, having a better understanding of risk, and becoming more
creative, I believe Jersey can continue to be one of the world’s most prosperous economies.
“All of this requires a change in culture which will take time and focus. So, while today’s publication
is a significant step, it is only one step. There will be many more in the coming months and years
but all of them will add up to an increasingly prosperous and sustainable Island.”
Delivery Framework for Sustainable Economic Development 2023-2036
Strategy for Sustainable Economic Development