05 December 2024
Islanders are being reminded that the new Government building in Union Street, at the
corner of The Parade, will open to the public at 8.30am on Monday 9 December after La
Motte Street and Eagle House close their doors at 5pm tomorrow (Friday 6 December).
Children's Services are also moving to Union Street from Liberte House, while Child and
Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), which is also based at Liberte House, is
remaining there.
An all-Island awareness campaign was launched last week (25 November) to let people
know the date for the services' move and how to get there.
The new building is designed to be as accessible as possible for Islanders and includes
facilities for people who are sight or hearing impaired, need help with mobility or just
somewhere to change and care for children.
Islanders can get help and advice on a range of services in the new building
including Pensions, Income Support, Personal Tax, Contributions, Registration Cards,
Housing Advice, Health benefits, Parental Benefits, Long-term care, Business licensing
and support, Student Finance and Planning and Building Control.
Monday's opening date coincides with the renaming of the Customer and Local Services
department as Employment, Social Security and Housing.
Union Street is open to customers from 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
To find out more go online at Gov.je/CustomerHub.