Part 11: Conservation of fuel and power
These documents set out what, in ordinary circumstances, may be accepted as reasonable provision for compliance with the energy efficiency requirements of the building bye-laws.
Document 11.1A 2016 Edition
ā€‹Document 11.1A (2016) comes into effect on the 18 July 2016 and covers the conservation of fuel and power within new dwellings only. It sets the Target Energy Rate (TER) for the construction of new dwellings.
The document also provides guidance on:
- internal lighting
- solar gain
- heating and hot water systems
- air-pressure testing
Technical guidance document 11.1A (2016 edition)
Domestic building services compliance guide 2013 edition
Jersey JSAP (Jersey standard assessment procedure) calculator website
SAP (standard assessment procedure) conventions document
Document 11.1B 2016 Edition
Document 11.1B (2016) comes into effect on the 18 July 2016 and covers the conservation of fuel and power within existing dwellings and the change of use of an existing building to form a dwelling.
It gives U-value standards for:
- walls, floors and roofs
- windows, doors and rooflights
Covers fittings and services such as:
- windows and doors
- heating and hot water systems
- lighting
Technical guidance document 11.1B (2016 edition)
Domestic building services compliance guide 2013 edition
Assessment procedure for the installation of condensing boilers
From 1 October 2019 an application for a building permit to construct an extension to a dwelling will need to be accompanied by a reduced data standard assessment (RdSAP). This is to demonstrate compliance with the bye-law requirement for consequential improvements to energy performance of the existing dwelling.
Details of RdSAP methodology and home energy audits can be found here Home energy audits
You can search for local accredited Home Energy Audit assessors on the Quidos website.
Quidos list of assessors
Document 11.2A 2016 Edition
Document 11.2A (2016) comes into effect on the 18 July 2016 and covers the conservation of fuel and power in buildings other than dwellings. It sets the Target Energy Rate (TER) for the construction of new non-domestic buildings.
The document also provides guidance on:
- internal lighting
- solar gain
- space heating
- air-pressure testing
Technical guidance document 11.2A (2016 edition)
Non-domestic building services compliance guide 2013 edition
Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM) website
Document 11.2B 2016 Edition
Document 11.2B (2016) comes into effect on the 18 July 2016 and provides guidance on meeting the requirements for the conservation of fuel and power in existing non-domestic buildings and the change of use of non-domestic buildings.
It gives U-value standards for:
- walls, floors and roofs
- windows, doors and rooflights
It also covers fittings and services such as:
- windows, doors
- heating and hot water systems
- lighting
Technical guidance document 11.2 B (2016 edition)
Non-domestic building services compliance guide 2013 edition
Note that 2011 documents are no longer valid for building applications submitted after 15 July 2016.
However the documents remain applicable for works approved prior to 18 July 2016.
Document 11.1A 2011 Edition
Conservation of fuel and power technical guidance notes 2011 edition (11.1A)
Jersey SAP calculator v 1.11 (07 January 2011)
Document 11.1B 2011 Edition
Conservation of fuel and power technical guidance notes 2011 edition (11.1B)
Assessment procedure for the installation of condensing boilers
Download domestic building services compliance guide 2010 edition
Document 11.2A 2011 Edition
Conservation of fuel and power technical guidance notes 2011 edition (11.2A)
Non domestic building services compliance guide 2010 edition
Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM) website
Document 11.2B 2011 Edition
Conservation of fuel and power technical guidance notes 2011 edition (11.2B)
Non domestic building services compliance guide 2010 edition