​Submitting your application and payment
You need to submit your application using the relevant form and with the correct information so anyone can understand the proposal.
When you have submitted your application, we'll review it to make sure it has the minimum level of information need to understand the proposal. If your application does not have the information we need, we'll explain what you need to provide.
We need either documents or drawings to accurately reflect the proposed work or development within 28 days of the request. If we do not receive the information within this timescale, we'll assume that you do not want to pursue the matter and the application will become inactive. You may apply again at any time after that, but we'll need the full submission of all the documents at that time.
If your application has the information we need, we’ll send you a fee breakdown with information on how to pay.
Once your payment is received, we’ll register your application. We aim to register your application within 3 working days from receiving the correct information and a full fee.
List of major and minor planning application categories
If your application includes major and minor works, it'll be considered a major application.
Planning applications we consider major are:
residential development of 1 unit or more
new commercial development
commercial extensions and ancillary structures with a gross external surface of more than 250 square metres
any mixed residential or commercial development
any change of use of land or buildings including domestic curtilage and outside dining areas
major material alterations to a building as defined in the fees schedule
wind turbines, telecom masts or similar
environmental impact assessments
high hedge applications and works to protected trees
miscellaneous developments, including outdoor recreation areas and mineral extraction
protected trees
Planning applications we consider minor are:
all domestic extensions and alterations, outbuildings, loft and integral garage conversions, swimming pools, fuel tanks and similar
commercial extensions and ancillary structures with a gross external surface of less than 250 square metres
shop front alterations
minor material alterations to a building as defined in the fees schedule
new or altered vehicular access
new or replacement:
satellite dishes, flag poles, street furniture or similar
walls, fences or similar
moveable structures
applications for any development which would normally be permitted development by virtue of the general development order, but where those rights have been removed by a planning condition or ministerial order
Site notices, publishing your application and comments
Site notices
We'll send you 1 or more site notices that you’ll need to clearly display on the property for 21 days. The site notice is to make other people aware of your proposal so they can comment if they want.
We’ll also send you a form that you need to sign and return together with photographs that clearly show the position of the site notices around the property. This should be submitted after the 21 day period to confirm that the site notices have been displayed for the full period.
Publishing your application
To allow people to comment on your application, we'll publish it on:
Comments can be made within 21 days of any of the above publication dates. We may consider comments after this timeframe provided the application has not already been determined.
We’ll consult organisations that may wish to comment on your application. We request they respond within 21 days however we’ll consider comments received after this timeframe if the application has not already been determined. If they do not respond, we may assume they have no comments to make. If your application raises complex issues we may extend the consultation period.
Comment on a planning application
Planning and building register
We publish all planning applications on the
planning and building register.
What we will and won't publish
Dependant relative units in green zones
If you're applying for a dependant relative unit for a property in the green zone we may need information about:
We won’t publish any personal information about your dependant relative. However we'll reference the type of development as part of the description of your proposal.
Targets for determining your application
We aim to determine 85% of applications within:
- 8 weeks for minor applications
- 13 weeks for major applications
The application detail page of the planning register tells you if your application is major or minor and what the target timescales are.
Complex applications that need a Planning Obligation Agreement (POA) may take longer. We’ll discuss any extended timescales with you if they apply.
If we do not determine your application within the target date you can request for us to determine your application within 28 days of receiving the request. If we cannot, we’ll offer you an alternative date. If you do not agree with the alternative date offered, you can make an appeal as if the application has been refused.
Comments submitted against your application
We publish applications so other people are made aware of your proposal and can make a comment. We’ll publish all comments received against your application on the planning and building register. You can reply to the comments made.
We reserve the right not to accept responses that have:
statements relating to enforcement or compliance matters
excessive personal information
sensitive personal information
opinions not related to the planning application
defamatory or libellous allegations or statements
Responses that have this type of information will not be considered when assessing a planning application.
Site visits and meetings
If appropriate we’ll visit the property as part of the application process. We usually view properties from public land, but we’ll arrange a site visit with you if you requested this on the application form. We may visit neighbouring properties to view the proposal from their property.
When we visit any property, we’ll always wear identifiable high visibility jackets and carry an official States of Jersey ID badge. If no-one is home, we’ll leave a card letting you know that we have been.
We may arrange to meet with you or your agent to discuss your application. However, we will not meet with legal representatives without our own legal representative present. If we arrive at a meeting and an unexpected legal representative is present, we’ll arrange for another date when we can also have a legal representative present, or progress the meeting if the legal representative leaves.
Changing or amending your application
We may ask you to make changes or alterations to your application.
If we request changes they’ll be relatively minor and will address concerns raised during the assessment process. For example:
- alterations to elements of the design, window positions or materials
- changes in the height or size of the buildings or repositioning on the site
- changes to the layout of rooms, amenity space or car parking arrangements
We will not normally re-advertise minor changes or alterations or ask you to re-display site notices. We may tell people who have commented on your application of any minor alterations but this will depend on the proposed changes.
If you want to change or amend an application that is already registered, you need to first speak with the planning officer assigned to your case. You can find out who the planning officer is on the planning and building register
If your changes are significant alterations, or if the proposal is fundamentally unacceptable, we may not be able to include your changes with your current application. We may refuse your application or offer you an opportunity to withdraw it.
Withdrawing your application
If you withdraw your application before it’s determined, we’ll return the fee minus a deduction for the costs incurred. The refund amount will depend on whether the application is minor or major. You can find out if your application is minor or major on the application detail page of the planning and building register.
For all applications registered longer than 1 week, we keep 30% of the planning application fee plus for every additional week before you withdraw the application:
- 10% of the application fee for minor applications
- 5% of the application fee for major applications
Once we’ve made a decision on your application, you will not receive a refund.
If you withdraw your application before we’ve made a decision, you can submit a further application within 6 months without the need to pay another fee if:
- the full fee was paid previously
- your revised application is for the same character and description
- your revised application is on the same site as your first application
Determining your application
The majority of applications are determined by planning officers under powers delegated to them by the Chief Officer. All planning officer recommendations are reviewed by a senior officer prior to making the decision.
Applications may also be referred to the
Planning Committee. The Committee makes all its decisions at monthly meetings held in public. If the Committee is unable to determine an application they may defer it to a later meeting. If the Committee is minded to determine an application against the recommendation of the department, the decision is deferred until the following month’s meeting.
In some cases, applications may be required to be heard at a public inquiry after which they’ll be determined by the Minister.
All documents including the officer’s report and decision notice will be published on the planning and building register.
Reviewing our decision of your planning application
If your application was refused, or you’re unhappy with a condition attached to a permission you can request the Planning Committee to review the decision. If you ask for a review, you’ll still be able to submit a full appeal after the review has been completed.
Review of a decision or condition
Appealing a decision on your planning application
If you’re unhappy with a decision of the department or the Committee, you can make an appeal through the Judicial Greffe. Notice of appeal must be received by the Judicial Greffier no later than the end of the period of 28 days beginning with the date of the decision. An independent inspector will consider your case.
Starting work on your development
Once planning permission has been granted, you have to start work within a certain timeframe.
Detailed planning permission will be granted subject to the development commencing within 3 years following the date of the decision. Outline planning permissions will be granted subject to the development commencing within 3 years of the original decision date or 2 years following the final approval of the reserved matters. Applications for reserved matters need to be made within 1 year of the original decision date.
We interpret commencing development as: “The moment at which the carrying out of any elements of lawful development including building, engineering, mining or other operation on, over or under the land or, the material change of use of a building or land, approved by a planning permission would have required planning permission in its own right.”
Building permission
The development may also require building permission. You'll need to make a separate application.
Work I can do without building permission