Planning permission
You will not require planning permission to erect a single wind turbine, providing:
- the turbine is sited within your domestic curtilage (‘domestic curtilage’ is the area of land on which a dwelling house sits which is used for residential purposes. It does not include a field or other open land next to a house, even if it is in the same ownership)
- the wind turbine including the arc of the blades is no more than 2.5 metres higher than the tallest structure within the property
- the wind turbine’s blade sweep diameter does not exceed 2.5 metres
- where the turbine is not attached to a building it is not sited within 5 metres of the property boundary
- where the turbine is to be attached to a building, that building is not registered as a listed building or place (LBP) or a potential listed building or place (pLBP) or is in a conservation area (CA)
- where the turbine is not to be attached to a building, the structure supporting the turbine is not registered as a listed building or place (LBP) or a potential listed building or place (pLBP) and does not fall within an area of archaeological potential (AAP), a conservation area (CA), or within the curtilage of a listed building or place (LBP) or a potential listed building or place (pLBP)
- before installing your wind turbine you must obtain a written statement from Jersey Airport confirming that they have no objection to it being installed
Is my building or site listed?
Tidal and wind power: harnessing offshore renewable energy
Building permission
You do not require building permission to erect a wind turbine.