Why we use a limited amount of text styles
We use a limited set of body text styles to give our users a consistent experience. It makes sure they aren't distracted from the information they're reading.
The focus of the website is to convey information as clearly as possible.
Standard paragraph text
We use the <p> tag styling so that the website is accessible for all users.

Links in a paragraph
Links are highlighted in red in the body copy paragraphs.

Unordered list links
We use these links within gov.je pages to form menus of related sub-pages.

Using bullet point lists
We use bullet point lists to list more than three pieces of information.
We try to avoid tables because they don't work well on screen-reader devices.

Using numbered lists
We use numbered lists to show instructions that need to be followed one item after the other.

Using indented bullet points
We sometimes indent a section of a list that add to a specific point.