​Savings, trusts and other investment income
If you receive any income from your bank, building society or any other investments, in Jersey or elsewhere, declare it in this section.
Jersey income
Jersey bank interest
If you’ve received any interest in the year from money in a Jersey bank account, add up the total of all the interest from all the Jersey accounts and enter the amount.
Interest is the money you earn from having money on deposit. It’s not the balance or the amount you pay into your account.
Jersey dividends
If you’ve received Jersey dividend income, add up the total gross income and enter the amount.
Depending on the type of company Jersey tax will have been deducted at either 0%, 10% or 20%. Enter the total tax deducted from the dividends.
If you are a beneficial owner of the company (more than a 2% holding) you may have received a distribution. You should declare this in the section for distributions from Jersey companies.
Jersey loan interest
If you receive interest from private loans or any other Jersey loan interest declare the total interest received.
Jersey trust, settlement or foundation income
Declare the total of any Jersey trust, settlement or foundation income.
Any other Jersey investment income
Declare any other Jersey source investment income not included above. Include a description of the income in the box provided.
Non-Jersey income
Non-Jersey bank interest
If you’ve received any interest in the year from non-Jersey bank accounts, building societies or other savings accounts add up the total gross interest received and enter the amount.
Enter the total of any foreign tax taken off or paid.
UK dividends
If you’ve received any dividend income from a UK company add up the total you’ve received and enter the amount.
Guernsey dividends
If you’ve received any dividend income from a Guernsey company add up the total gross income you’ve received and enter the amount.
Enter the total of any Guernsey tax taken off or paid in the foreign tax deducted column.
Other dividends
If you’ve received any dividends from countries other than Jersey, UK or Guernsey enter the total gross income.
If tax has been deducted enter the total foreign tax taken off or paid in the foreign tax deducted column.
Overseas trusts, settlements or foundations
Declare the total of any non-Jersey trust, settlement or foundation income.
Other non-Jersey investment income
Declare any other Jersey source investment income not included above. Include a description of the income in the box provided.
For example income from UK ISAs which are taxable in Jersey can be declared here.
Non-taxable savings and investments
Don’t include:
- NS&I premium bond prizes
- NS&I savings certificate income
- Capital gains
These are not taxable in Jersey.
More help
For more information:
Tax on savings and investments