Property income
You'll be taxed on the income after allowable expenses have been deducted.
Confirm the details of who is in receipt of the rental income by ticking the appropriate box.
If the income is joint with another person who declares the income separately on their own tax return, only enter your share of the income and expenses.
Property information
Enter the first line and the postcode of the rental property.
Confirm whether the property is fully furnished or only part-furnished or unfurnished.
Fully furnished means your tenant can occupy the property without having to provide their own movable furniture or furnishings. This means that in addition to carpets, curtains and appliances the property must also generally have all of the following:
- moveable furniture such as beds, tables, sofas, chairs
- essential appliances such as oven, fridge, freezer
- bedding such as sheets and duvets
- crockery and cutlery
If your property is let without these additional items you should tick the part-furnished or unfurnished box.
Property income starting or finishing in the year
If you only started letting the property for the first time during the year, enter the date that the letting commenced.
If you stopped letting the property in the year, enter the date that the letting ceased.
Total income receivable
You’re taxable on any profits or gains arising from rents or receipts on:
- rents for leases of land or property in Jersey or abroad including sub-letting
- payment of a lease premium if the duration of the lease does not exceed 50 years
- rentes. This is an old form of payment for the right to use land in Jersey, no longer in common practice
- any other receipts arising to the owner of land in Jersey including any receipts from a licence to occupy the land
You must declare any income that you're entitled to in the year. This is the amount receivable on the due date in accordance with the lease or other agreement.
Enter the gross amount of the income that arose in the year of assessment in the box provided.
Renting a room in your home
Any income from lodgers, students or other paying guests is also taxable, unless you qualify for 'rent a room relief'. There is a separate section on the return to declare this income.
Renting a room in your home: tax form help
Allowable expenses
You can claim a deduction for normal outgoings paid in respect of the property to which the profits or gains relate:
Summary of property income
Enter the total number of properties and the total income form Jersey property and the total income from non-Jersey property.
If you have income from more than one property, remember to include the extra property schedules with your return.
Other property income information
Relief for rent not paid
If you cannot collect a defaulted payment having taken reasonable steps to enforce the payment or waive it to avoid hardship to your tenant you can treat the income as if you were not entitled to it.
Non-allowable expenses
Do not claim the following, they are not allowable deductions:
- Jersey rates. You cannot claim rates as an expense against your Jersey property income
- pre-letting expenses
- the cost of making good your property if the property was in a state of disrepair before you rented it (dilapidation)
- improvements to the property. For example, installing central heating in a property that did not have it before
- capital loan payments
- interest on loans that were not for the purpose of buying or extending the property
- costs of professional advice in connection with applications to the planning and building section of the Department of the Environment
- legal expenses which are incurred for a purpose other than that of maintaining the rental income
Property income extra page
If you have more than 1 property you need to declare, use this extra page and include it with your return. Enter the total from all your income on the main tax return.
Property income extra page (2024)
Further information
For more information about property income see property income and tax.