Statistical information produced by Revenue Jersey.
Customer service in numbers
Once and done
Requests on the
personal tax enquiry form and telephone calls to +44 (0) 1534 440300 are direct to Revenue Jersey and answered by a Revenue Officer who will aim to satisfy the caller's enquiry without handing it off to another officer.
Personal tax enquiries
We aim to respond to enquiries from the personal tax enquiry form within 5 working days.
Revenue Jersey telephone calls
Telephone statistics for Revenue Jersey calls to +44 (0) 1534 440300.
Revenue Jersey
Total number of telephone calls for Revenue Jersey to 440300. This is then broken down by revenue type.
| 4,977
| 2 minutes 33 seconds | 92.5%
| 5 minutes 27 seconds |
Personal tax calls
When you call personal tax you'll be given an estimate of how long the current waiting time is. The busiest times (longest waiting times) are between 12pm and 2pm and from 4pm to 5pm.
| 4,138
| 3 minutes 04 seconds | 91.3%
| 5 minutes 50 seconds |
Corporate tax calls
| 321
| 0 minutes 11 seconds | 97.8%
| 2 minutes 57 seconds |
GST calls
| 148
| 0 minutes 12 seconds | 100%
| 3 minutes 46 seconds |
Employer team calls
| 369
| 0 minutes 15 seconds | 98.1%
| 4 minutes 15 seconds |
Personal tax 2024 returns and assessing
Turnaround times
Revenue Jersey aims to assess 80% of returns within 30 days of receipt until 30 April, after which the increasing numbers of returns received take longer to assess.
Customers can expect to wait around 60 working days for tax assessments from May to December.
A proportion of tax returns will always take longer to assess where returns are incomplete or additional enquiries need to be made.
| Paper
| Total
| 3,256
| 2,187
| 5,443
| 2,718
Tax statistical digests
Information about sources of revenue and amount collected.
2020 to 2022 digest
Statistical digest for income tax
years of assessment 2020 to 2022 and GST calendar years 2021 to 2023.
Tax statistical digest 2020 to 2022
2018 to 2020 digest
Statistical digest for income tax years of assessment 2018 to 2020 and GST calendar years 2019 to 2021.
Tax statistical digest 2018 to 2020
2017 digest
Statistical digest for income tax year of assessment 2017 and GST calendar year 2018.
Tax statistical digest 2017
2016 digest
Statistical digest for income tax year of assessment 2016 and GST calendar year 2017.
Tax statistical digest 2016
2015 digest
Statistical digest for income tax year of assessment 2015 and GST calendar year 2016.
Tax statistical digest 2015