Approved tax agent status gives a person authority to prepare and submit trading accounts and related computations and tax returns for third parties.
With an 'all communications' authority in place, it also allows them to enter into direct communication with Revenue Jersey in relation to the tax affairs of their clients.
You must be a member of a relevant professional chartered institute, eg chartered accountant, chartered certified accountant, or chartered tax adviser.
Alternatively, you may be considered:
- where you are a member of a relevant professional body and can demonstrate a sound knowledge of Jersey Tax Law and its practice
- although unqualified you can demonstrate over 10 years experience of Jersey tax, gained with a professional firm, and the quality and breadth of your work, sound knowledge of the Income Tax (Jersey) Law 1961 and knowledge of its practice is known to the Comptroller’s staff
Tax affairs up to date
All your tax affairs must be up to date to b​e an approved tax agent.
You must write with evidence of your qualifications, professional membership or experience to Revenue Jersey.
Relevant Law
The Comptroller is entrusted with the administration of the law under Article 2 of the Revenue Administration (Jersey) Law 2019.
Decisions regarding approved agent status are made for the purpose of ensuring the good and proper administration of the law.
Online tax agent registration
Once tax agent status has been approved register for our online Taxes Office Online Service (TOOS).
To register:
go to register for online services
select the option 'Begin registration'
- choose 'Agent registration'
- complete the information and submit
Find more information on corporate return online filing.