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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Senior citizen bus pass

ā€‹Senior citizens of pensionable age living in Jersey are entitled to a concessionary travel pass.

This allows free travel on Jersey's bus services.


If you meet either of the following conditions then you are eligible to receive a concessionary travel pass:

  • permanently resident in Jersey and aged 65 or over, or
  • permanently resident in Jersey, aged under 65, and in possession of a Jersey Social Security pension card

All applicants are required to show proof of residence.  Applicants aged 65 or over, and not in possession of a Jersey Social Security pension card, are also required to produce their birth certificate.

Application form

Application forms for concessionary travel passes are available from parish halls or the LibertyBus Customer Service Centre at Liberation Station.

Where your concessionary travel pass can be used

The concessionary pass is only valid for travel on Jersey bus services.

United Kingdom concessionary travel passes

UK concessionary passes are not valid for travel on Jersey bus services.

Ex-Jersey residents

Jersey concessionary travel passes are only available to those who currently reside in Jersey.  New or replacement passes will not be issued by LibertyBus without proof of residency being shown.

Further information on travel passes is available on the LibertyBus website.

Avanchiaccess travel passes

The AvanchiAccess concessionary bus pass scheme enables Jersey residents with a long-term disability preventing them from driving to benefit from free bus travel.

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