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Medical standards for driving licences

​Medical standards and certificate requirements

On 5 October 2024, the medical standards and medical certificate requirements for Jersey driving licences changed.

These changes make our medical standards and requirements similar to the UK and EU.

Changes include:

  • when you need to submit a medical certificate
  • your driving licence validity period
  • the requirements for some medical conditions

We also introduced driving licence groups.

Your parish can now ask you to take a practical driving assessment and put conditions on your driving licence for medical reasons.

Driving licence groups

There are 2 licence groups for different types of driving licences​:

  • Group 1 for categories  A1, A, B1, B, BE, including f, h, k and p
  • Group 2 for categories C1, C1E, C, CE, D1, D1E, D and DE

Each group has different medical requirements.

You need to meet higher medical standards for Group 2 licences because:

  • vehicles are bigger and heavier and need more complex handling and manoeuvring
  • Group 2 drivers usually spend more time driving

To keep your Group 2 category you need to:

  • meet the Group 2 medical standards
  • submit a Group 2 medical certificate (GP2)

If you have a Group 2 category on your driving licence and don’t want it anymore you can surrender it. You can reinstate it within 5 years without having to take a practical driving test again.

When you need a medical certificate

You need to submit a medical certificate:

  • on first application for a Group 1 licence if you suffer from a relevant medical condition
  • on first application for a Group 2 licence
  • each time you renew your Group 2 licence from the age of 45
  • if you start suffering from a relevant medical condition

Your medical certificate must be completed by a registered medical practitioner. This can be your GP. 

Medical certificates GP1 are used for Group 1 licences and GP2 for Group 2 licences.

GP1 Medical Certificate

GP2 Medical Certificate

You can also find the forms at your parish hall.

Validity period of driving licences

Validity periods depend on your licence group:

  • Group 1 driving licences are valid for 10 years
  • Group 2 driving licences are valid for :
    • ​10 years up to when you're aged 45
    • 5 years from 46 to 65
    • 1 year when you're aged over 65

Your licence validity period can also be limited by your parish hall if recommended by your GP.

Changes to medical standards

The standards you must meet changed for some medical conditions: 

  • vision
  • epilepsy and seizures
  • diabetes

You should speak to your doctor if you have any concerns about your health and the new standards.

A guide to assessing fitness to drive for medical professionals on GOV.UK

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