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Student Finance guidance and application


Submission deadlines

  • You must complete your student finance application (HE1) by 31 December 2025 for courses starting 1 September 2025 to 31 August 2026.

  • You must send your Income Statement (HE2) by 31 March for the academic year your application relates to.

Student Finance and deadlines

The Government of Jersey gives financial help to Jersey resident students studying in:

  • higher education
  • postgraduate professional qualifications
  • 1 year level 3 vocational arts course
  • Skills Bursary

Student credits for people over 18 in full-time education

If you have any questions about financial help for students contact Student Finance.

You can also make an appointment with us using the following online form. Appointments can be over the phone or in person.

Make an appointment with Student Finance

If you’re considering university but need advice on education, career options or next steps email the Careers Guidance team on

Your eligibility for financial support will depend on your circumstances and the nature of the course you wish to undertake. The information on this page is for your guidance only. You can find further information in the Education (Grants and Allowances) (Jersey) Order 2018 or you can contact Student Finance to discuss your situation.

Deadlines for applications

You can apply between 1 January to 31 December for courses starting on 1 September of the same year to 31 August the following year.

You Income Statements (HE2) must be submitted by 31 March for the academic year you're studying in.

We will not accept late applications.

What you need to do and when

You only need to apply once to receive student finance for your course. If you progress to the next academic year you'll only need to confirm you passed your courses and submit an Income Statement form (HE2).

Find below what new or continuing students and their parents need to do to receive student finance.

Step What you need to do Timescale
1New students complete the online form to apply for student finance (HE1).
You only need to do this the first year you apply.
Between 1 January and 31 December depending on when your course starts. See deadlines for applications above.

Parents complete Income Statement form (HE2). This is sent by Student Finance when we receive your application (HE1).

Complete as soon as possible.

New students send their offer letter. You can upload this as a supporting document or using the HE7 sent by Student Finance.

Upload supporting documents

June to August

Continuing students send their end of year academic results.

Upload supporting documents

June to August

Students and parents receive confirmation of the grant amount they'll get

6Students receive their autumn maintenance grant in their bank account.From September
7For continuing students needing funding for the next academic year, parents to complete Income Statement form (HE2).

Sent in January by Student Finance.

You must complete it by 31 March of the following year. Complete it as soon as possible as your funding is paid on completion of all documentation and check.

Applying for Student Finance

You must apply for student finance well before your course starts to make sure you receive your grant for the beginning of term.

Apply using the online form below. You must complete an application for each child.

Once we receive and review your application we’ll send you other forms you may need to complete, including Income Statement forms (HE2).

Apply for student finance (HE1)

Income Statement form (HE2)

You and your parents will need to complete a new Income Statement form every academic year. An Income Statement tells us about how much you and your parents earn.

If you’re applying for student finance for the first time we’ll send you the form once we have reviewed your application.

If you already receive student finance we’ll send you the form automatically in January each year.

Upload supporting documents

You can use the following online form if you’re a:

  • continuing university student to upload your university results
  • potential university student to upload your offer letters
  • parent or student to upload additional documents we asked for

Do not use the form to submit queries to Student Finance. If you have any questions, contact Student Finance.

Upload student finance documents

Types of grants and allowances

Student finance grants are made of:

  • tuition fees
  • maintenance grant

Depending on your income you might receive a grant for both parts, only for tuition fees or none at all. For more details see how your grant is calculated.

You may also be able to receive an allowance. An allowance is extra financial help if you:

  • have a disability
  • go on a vacation study or placement
  • attend a course interview
  • go on field trips

You can also receive extra funding if you’re studying in London or clinical fields such as medicine, veterinary, dentistry or nursing.

Tuition fees

Grants for you tuition fees help you pay for the costs of your course.

We’ll pay your tuition fees directly to your university in the UK or Jersey when we have received an invoice from them.

If you’re studying outside the UK or Jersey, you’ll need to pay the fees to your university. We’ll then refund you what you’re entitled to receive. Make sure you have provided us with your bank account details.

Maintenance grant

A maintenance grant helps you pay for living expenses such as accommodation, food and books.

We pay the maintenance grant in 3 instalments, directly into the student’s bank account. Make sure you have provided us with your bank account details.

Disabled student allowance

You may be able to receive a disabled student allowance (DSA) if you have a disability.

If the relevant income of parents or an independent student is below £94,680 you can apply for help with the costs of:

  • a non-medical helper for an hour during each week of the course
  • the cost of purchasing or hiring specialist equipment
  • any other reasonable costs, other than travel costs

Where income is £94,680 or over DSA is limited to:

  • a non-medical helper for an hour during each week of the course

Tell us on your student finance application form (HE1) if you think you should receive a DSA.

For further support or guidance, contact us.

Vacation study allowance

You can receive a vacation study allowance if you need to go on a trip outside of term time in relation to your course.

To apply contact Student Finance before your trip.

Interview allowance 

You may be able to receive an allowance to help pay for your travelling costs if you need to go for an interview to get into a course.

You must use the amount you receive to pay for the student’s actual travel costs. You cannot use it for accommodation, meals or an adult travelling with you.

If you’re a looked after child you’ll receive this allowance whatever your income is. It will also include financial help for an adult to travel with you.

To ask for an application form email

Field trips allowance

You may be able to receive an allowance to go on field trips during term time.

To apply contact us before your field trip.

Studying in London

If you study in London you can receive an extra 10% to your maintenance grant to support the higher cost of living in London. This is called the London component.

You cannot receive the London component if you’re studying at a university outside of London but choose to live in London. We’ll decide if your university is classed as being in London.

We’re keeping the London component under review and it may change in the future.

Medicine, veterinary, dentistry or nursing students

You can receive an extra clinical grant if you study in medicine, veterinary, dentistry or nursing science. 

You must have an income of less than £105,200.

For the academic year 2025 to 2026 the clinical grant can be between £1,139 to £1,219. The amount you receive depends on if you’re a dependent or independent student.

Who can receive student finance

To receive student finance you must:

  • be a Jersey resident. See the residency requirements
  • be aged 16 or over on 31 August of the year you start your degree
  • have been offered a place on your chosen course

You usually receive student finance once for a maximum of 3 years. 

​For more information contact us.

The amount you receive depends on if you’re a dependent or independent student.

You're an independent student if you:

  • are aged 25 on or before 31 August in the year you start your degree
  • are married or in a civil partnership 
  • have been living financially independent from your parents for at least 3 years before the start of your degree
  • are a looked after child
  • have a child
  • are a care leaver

If you do not fit the criteria above you're a dependent student. If you’re not sure if you’re a dependent or independent student contact us.

Residency requirements

You’re a resident if you and your parents have been living in Jersey on 31 August before the start of your first academic year for either:

  • 5 years or more
  • at least 1 year and have Entitled status

If you live only with 1 parent, we’ll only consider their residential status.

Your residency requirements are the same if you’re an independent student but we do not consider your parent’s residential status.

Residential and employment statuses and what they mean

If you’re a looked after child student or a care leaver you may be able to receive extra financial help. For further information contact us.

Children in care support package

Academic requirements

There are no academic requirements to be eligible for a grant. However, some universities will assess your academic aptitudes before offering you a place or ask for specific entry requirements.

How much you can receive

The tables below are only approximate figures for 2025 to 2026 academic year 

The amount will change depending on if you’re:

  • a dependent student
  • an independent student
  • a dependent student living off-Island

Student Finance will confirm your total amount once we’ve reviewed your application.

Gross incomeTuition feesMaintenance grantTotal
£0 to £52,599
£9,138 to £8,540
£18,673 to £18,075
£52,600 to £63,119.99
£9,138 to £6,831
£18,673 to £16,366
£63,120 to £73,639.99
£7,309 to £5,124
£16,844 to £14,659
£73,640 to £84,159.99
£5,482 to £3,415
£15,017 to £12,950
£84,160 to £94,679.99
£3,655 to £1,709
£13,190 to £11,244

When your income is £94,680 or more you only receive tuition fees and do not receive maintenance grant. You could receive some specific allowances such as a clinical grant.

Contact us to discuss your circumstances and for more details.

You will not receive any student finance if your income is £210,400 or more.

Gross income Tuition fees
£94,680 to £115,719.99
£115,720 to £126,239.99
£126,240 to £136,759.99
£136,760 to £147,279.99
£147,280 to £157,799.99
£157,800 to £168,319.99
£168,320 to £178,839.99
£178,840 to £189,359.99
£189,360 to £199,879.99
£199,880 to £210,399.99
£210,400 or more 

Distance learning

The maximum grant you can receive for distance learning in 1 academic year is £7,400.

Student's gross income per year (total income before deductions) Percentage of course fees reimbursed
Up to £50,00080%
£50,001 to £55,00060%
£55,001 to £60,00040%
£60,001 to £65,00020%
£65,001 and more0%

How grants are calculated

The amount of student finance you receive depends on your income. In this we take into consideration the income and assets of:

  • the student
  • the student's parents
  • other people the student lives with

What we consider your income depends on if you’re an independent or a dependent student.

We calculate the amount of your grant every academic year. So you’ll need to submit an Income Statement every year.

We’ll calculate your grants using gross income. This is the total income received before any deductions are made.

You will not receive student finance if your income is £210,400 or over or you have assets worth more than £500,000.

In your income we also consider assets such as:

  • ​properties, excluding your main home
  • stocks, shares or bonds
  • net profits of a business
  • perquisites of any kind arising from any source

Find further details on what we consider your income in the Education (Grants and Allowances) (Jersey) ​Order 2018 on Jersey Law.

Independent students

If you’re an independent student, your income is assessed on your:

  • estimated gross income for the calendar year in which the academic year starts. 
  • estimated gross income for your spouse, civil partner or a partner living with you

If you married, entered a civil partnership or began living with the person during the year, we’ll only consider a proportion of that person's income.

Dependent students

We consider the income for the calendar year before the start of the academic year you’re applying for. For example, we’ll look at income from 2025 for the 2026 academic year.

What we consider your income depends on who you live with.

If you live with:

  • both your parents, we’ll look at the total income of both your parents
  • 1 parent and their partner, we’ll look at either the total income of:
    • the parent you live with and their partner
    • both your parents and not their partner, only if both parents have agreed
  • 1 parent, we’ll look at the total income of:
    • the parent you live with only if your other parent died or cannot be contacted or located
    • both your parents (all other students)

You will not receive any grants for tuition fees or maintenance if your parents do not want to tell us their income or miss the deadline to complete the Income Statement. You’ll still be able to receive a disabled student allowance (DSA).

Courses that are funded

You can apply for student finance for full or part-time study.

You can study in:

  • Jersey
  • the UK
  • other countries around the world

If you study abroad, you’ll need to provide evidence that the course is of a recognised standard to UK higher education. To know what evidence we need email

Student finance is generally for 3-year courses, but some take 4 years. If your university structured your course over 4 years, where an equivalent 3 year full-time course may be undertaken instead, we’ll spread your 3 years funding over 4 years so you receive 75% per year.

Placement years

Some 4 years degrees include a placement year to gain experience. Funding is only available for mandatory placement years.

Integrated masters

Courses of 4 years with an integrated masters for the final year are not usually financed because this is a postgraduate qualification.

For more information or advice contact us. 


You can receive student finance for up to 3 years when you do a higher education course at a recognised university or institute.

There are extra grants if you study in clinical fields such as medicine, veterinary, dentistry or nursing.

Foundation art courses 

If you’re doing a 1 year vocational arts course, you can receive student finance for the tuition fees for an equivalent course provided at Highlands College.

Distance learning

You can receive a grant for your tuition fees if your distance learning course is your first higher education course or professional qualification.

You must be enrolled either with:

  • the open university on a 30 or 60 point course
  • a recognised distance learning institution in England, Scotland or Wales that we approved

You do not need to meet any academic requirements to receive grants for distance learning courses.

Financing post-graduate study and other funding

There is other funding available other than Student Finance.

Finance for post-graduate courses

You can receive student grants for some post-graduate courses such as:

  • professional qualifications such as PGCE or legal courses
  • master's degree
  • doctorate

Find more information on financing post-graduate courses.

Skills bursary

You can receive this bursary for a course not offered on Island such as specialist sports scholarships or dance courses. You must be aged under 19 at the start of the first academic year of the course.

You can receive up to £6,675 per academic year.

You can apply for the bursary if you:

  • have been a Jersey resident for the last 5 years
  • are aged between 16 to 18 years old on 1 September of the academic year your course starts
  • are taking a full-time course of up to 2 years that leads to a recognised qualification at Level 2 or Level 3

To apply contact Student Finance.

Sector specific bursaries and funds

Many bursaries and funds are available through private companies or charitable trusts. These are often sector specific such as law, engineering or construction.

Find further details on educational trusts, bursaries and gift funds.

Leave, fail or change your degree and absences

Leaving or failing your degree

If you leave midway or fail your degree you’ll have to repay all or part of your grant or allowance.​

You may not have to repay your grant if you were ill. You’ll need to give a medical note as proof and a letter from your university.

Contact us before you make any decision or for more information.

Trailing a module

Your university may allow you to continue onto the next academic year and trail 1 or more modules from the previous year. This usually only happens if you have enough credits for the whole course.

You should contact us if you trail modules.

Repeating an academic year

You will not receive a grant if you need to retake a year either full-time or part-time. You’ll need to pay your maintenance and tuition costs.

You’ll start to receive the grant for the following academic year when you complete the repeated period.

Transferring course

If you decide to transfer to another course you will not receive a grant for a repeated period of study. This includes if this course is at a different university or the same for a term or an academic year.

You can start receiving your grant again when you have successfully completed the repeated period. 

You might be able to transfer your grant to another university if you have:

  • an agreement from your current university or both universities, if moving to a different one
  • a written confirmation from both universities supporting your transfer based on academic grounds

You should speak to us as soon as possible if you’re thinking of transferring.

Gap year and time off Island

You can take a gap year after you applied for student finance. This can be for a maximum of 12 months before it affects your application. If you take a longer break your application can be rejected and you’ll need to apply again.

Tell us as soon as possible if you’re taking a gap year so we can put your application on hold.

Time you spend off Island over 12 months can affect your eligibility to apply for student finance. You should contact us for more information.

Absence from your course

We might hold or claim back part of your grant if you’re absent from your course.

However, you may not have to repay your grant if you absent because you were ill. You’ll need to give a medical note as proof and a letter from your university.


All applications are reviewed and a decision is made by Student Finance.

You can request a review of the decision we make by emailing

We’ll send your request to the Minister of Children and Education to review and make a final decision.

If you’re not satisfied with the Minister’s decision you can appeal to the Grants Appeal Panel. You would need to send your request to Student Finance to arrange the panel.

You have 2 months to submit your appeal from the date you receive our decision. 

Further support and advice

If you have any questions about financial help for students contact Student Finance.

You can also make an appointment with us using the following online form. Appointments can be over the phone or virtually.

Make an appointment with Student Finance

If you’re considering university but need advice on education, career options or next steps email the Careers Guidance team on

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