ā€‹Your pension self-service portal
The Government of Jersey has provided a self-service portal for all pension scheme members to access information about the public service pension benefits in the Final Salary Scheme and Career Average Scheme of the Public Employees Pension Fund or Jersey Teachers Superannuation Fund.
Your pension self service portal
The self-service portal offers members:
- real time pension benefit information
- the ability to view pension documentation such as annual benefit statements or pension increase letters
Only documents that have been created from June 2020 will be visible.
For previous documentation members email the Public Employees Pension Team.
Registering on your pension self-service portal
You will need your registration information and a valid email address.
This registration information will be supplied by the pensions teams and will be posted to you using the home address held on the pension administration system.
Pension self-service portal user guide
Getting help with your pension self-service portal
If you're having issues logging in, there are frequently asked questions on the homepage of the self-service portal. If these do not answer your question then contact the pensions team.