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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Purchasing additional pension

​Purchasing additional pension

You can increase your pension by paying additional voluntary contributions (AVCs).

Purchasing additional pension can also be used to offset any reduction to your pension that may apply if you wish to retire early.

The additional pension will also increase any lump sum that you may wish to take on retirement. It will also increase survivor benefits and potential ill-health benefits that you may be entitled to.

Online additional voluntary contributions form

The form below allows you to apply for, change or cancel payments of AVC.

Apply for a change or cancel your AVC payments

On submitting the form it will be emailed to the pension team who will write to you to confirm your application has been received. It will also be emailed to the payroll department if you work for the Government of Jersey, or your payroll administrator if you work for an admitted employer. They will start, change or cancel the deduction of additional contributions from the month you specify on the form.

Factor tables and guidance

The factor tables give you an indication of the additional pensionable service you could purchase in the Final Salary Scheme or the JTSF through the payment of AVC. For the Career Average Scheme we have provided an additional pension estimator.

Career Average Scheme

Additional pension estimator

AVC guidance notes

Final Salary Scheme

AVC factor tables

AVC guidance notes

Jersey Teachers Superannuation Fund

AVC fact​o​r tables

AVC guidance ​notes

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