About the Career Average Scheme
The career average pension scheme, also called the Public Employees Pension Scheme (PEPS), is for all new employees of the States of Jersey or an admitted body or members who were moved from the Final Salary Scheme on 1 January 2019.
The PEPS is a funded scheme, where the employees; and employers; contributions are invested to help provide benefits in future years.
​Members’ guide
More information on the benefits provided by the Career Average Scheme can be found in the full members guide.
Career Average Scheme members' guide
Further information on the benefits for those members who moved from the Final Salary Scheme into the Career Average Scheme on 1 January 2019 can be found in the transition members' guide.
Transition members' guide
Joining the Career Average Scheme
Anyone employed on a permanent basis with the States of Jersey will join the scheme from the date that they start employment. If you are employed on a Fixed Term Contract of any length you will have to make an option to join the scheme. You can make your option by using the form below.
Apply to be a member of the Career Average Scheme
Anyone employed by an admitted body should seek advice from their local Human Resources department regarding membership in the scheme.
Career Average Scheme new member information pack
Your pension is based on contributions that you and your employer make over your working life.
For all new employees 7.75% is deducted from your wage if you are an non-uniformed member or 10.10% if you are a uniformed member. 16% is paid by the employer.
For members who moved from the Final Salary Scheme on 1 January 2019, your contributions will increase to the maximum percentages, as shown above, over a 3 to 5 year period. To find out more information about your contribution increase, please contact the Pensions Team.
Contributions are deducted from your basic gross salary. You or your employer don’t make any contributions on any additional payments that you might receive on top your basic salary eg overtime or stand-by payments.
Additional voluntary contributions
You can increase your pension with additional voluntary contributions. You can pay either an additional percentage of your annual salary or a fixed monetary amount. Pensions will aim to increase in line with Jersey RPI + 1%. Pension increases are not guaranteed and are subject to the financial status of the fund.
Find out more about
additional voluntary contributions.
Retiring and leaving the scheme
if you are considering leaving or retiring from the Career Average Scheme, please visit the page
Retiring from or leaving a public service pension scheme.
On this page you will find an online form which you need to use to inform the pensions team of what you would like to do with your pension benefits on retiring from or leaving the Career Average Scheme. You will also find various documentation informing you of the benefits available on leaving or retiring from the Career Average Scheme.
Pension age
For non-uniformed members, normal pension age is linked to the state pension age. For uniformed members the normal pension age is 60.
Calculate your pension age
You can retire before your normal pension age but if you choose this option your pension will be subject to a reduction. If you work past your normal pension age you will receive an enhancement to your pension. The amount a pension is reduced or increased is determined by the Actuary.
For more information on leaving or retiring from the Career Average Scheme, please visit the page
Retiring from or leaving a public service pension scheme.
Tax free lump sum
You can take 30% of your final annual pension and convert it to a tax-free lump sum. For every ÂŁ1 you will get ÂŁ13.50.
For example, if you’re due an annual pension of £10,000 and you choose to take a lump sum of 30% (£3,000), your annual pension will reduce to £7,000 but you’ll receive a lump sum of £40,500 as a tax free lump sum.
Under the scheme you will also be able to ask a one-off lump sum whilst in employment in the 10 years before normal pension age or from 55, which ever is later, subject to a reduction. This only applies to benefits built up under the Career Average Scheme and if you take a lump sum whilst in employment you won’t be able to take a lump sum at retirement from the Career Average Scheme.
Survivor and children's benefits
To find out more information on the survivor and children's benefits available in the event of the death of a member of the Career Average Scheme, please visit the Survivor benefits page.
On this page you will find an online nomination form which you can use to inform the pensions team of who you would like a survivor benefit payable to. You will also find documents on the survivor benefits available in the Career Average Scheme.
Leave of absence
Your pension may be affected if you are on:
- sick leave
- maternity, paternity or adoption leave
- unpaid leave of absence or on strike
Career Average Scheme leave of absence guide
Transfer in
If you are considering transferring a pension in to the Career Average Scheme, please vist our webpage on transferring in your pension
Complaints procedure
If you are unhappy with a decision that affects you or your dependants you have a right to have the decision reviewed. You should
email the Public Employees Pension Team within 3 months of the decision being made.
Complaints procedure