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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Christmas Bonus

About the Christmas Bonus

Christmas Bonus is a benefit of ÂŁ114.19 that is paid each December.

You can't apply for the Christmas Bonus.

Who can receive the Christmas Bonus

A Christmas Bonus is paid automatically to these groups of people:

  • people over pensionable age who, for the whole month of November, are:
    • members of the Pension Plus scheme
    • receiving Income Support
  • members of Income Support households who, for the whole month of November:
    • have a significant disability or long term health condition and receive the personal care impairment component level two or three 
    • are full time informal carers and receive the carer’s component of Income Support
  • people who claim long term care benefit and who receive means tested support with their living costs throughout the whole month of November

How it's paid

If you're eligible for a Christmas Bonus, it is paid directly into the bank account that your pension or our Income Support is paid into. 

Or, if you live in a care home, your Christmas bonus is paid into the same account as your personal allowance. If you don’t get a personal allowance, we'll send you an open cheque.

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