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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Overview of St Helier harbour and town centre at sunsetOverview of St Helier harbour and town centre at sunset
People standing at a restaurant counter

Starting a business

Read our step by step guide to starting your own business

Woman pouring grains in a jar

Business taxes and Social Security

Find information on your business income tax, ITIS and contributions

People in an office looking at a document

Employing staff

Learn about your responsibilities as an employer and get help with employing staff

Shops in St Helier

Trade and sell

Guidance on pricing and trading, commercial best practices and movements of goods

People walking towards a building site

Industry regulations and responsibilities

List of industry specific licences, regulations and requirements

Women talking at Customer and Local Services offices

Support for businesses

Support for start up businesses and businesses relocating to Jersey

People using calculator and computer

Do it online: business services

Access online services for businesses quickly and easily

ā€‹Do it online

Access online services for businesses quickly and easily

Do it online: business services

ā€‹Support for businesses

There is support available to you whether you're starting out, changing your business or relocating 

Support for businesses

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