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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Listed building or place reference: BR0179

Historic site reference
Wesleyan School Hall
Road name
Le Quai Bisson
St. Brelade
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Listed Building Grade 3
Church and Chapel.
Statement of significance
A building of religious and cultural importance, simply detailed but with original C19 exterior features of architectural and historic interest.
With Wesleyan Chapel
External Description
2 storey, 4 bays. Gable front to street 2 bays. Slate roof, render copings with cross at apex, render walls, painted granite quoins. Gable front: 2 granite steps up to beaded planked double leaf doors with stop chamfered frame and 2 light fanlight withbfleurs de lis etched glass. Doorway flanked by tall, round headed windows with 2 light opening casements and Y tracery with 2 fixed panes. Single light round headed window above and a round vented opening in apex. Raised lettering "Wesleyan School" over door and 1897 in apex. All windows have fleurs de lis etched glass. Return has 5 similar Y tracery windows and a door at the far left end with 4 incised panel. 3 blind rectangular windows in stop chamfered frames above windows.
Internal Description
Special interest

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The plans, drawings and material provided have been submitted to the Chief Officer for permissions in respect of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002. They are protected by copyright under the Intellectual Property (Unregistered Rights) (Jersey) Law 2011 (Article 70 of the 2011 Law).

The material is being provided to make available for public inspection the Register of Planning and Building Applications and must not be used for other purposes without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

The Minister for the Environment makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information on this website but cannot accept responsibility for and disclaims all responsibility for any loss or damage which may arise from the use of the information provided.

For applications approved during or after July 2016 approved documents are available from within the ‘Approved Documents’ section. For applications approved from 15 May 2012 - July 2016 approved documents are available under the ‘Plans’ section.

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