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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Listed building or place reference: HE1042

Historic site reference
Central Market
Road name
Halkett Place
St. Helier
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Listed Building Grade 1
Commercial building
Statement of significance
An outstanding example of a Victorian covered market. The most impressive example of cast iron engineering architecture in Jersey.
External Description
The market provides a very large covered space enclosed by dressed granite walls - 6 gable ends to Halkett Place, 13 bays in all; with 10 bays to Beresford Street. There are excellent patterns of round-headed arches of various heights filled with railings and radial grilles, with good swan-necked cast iron lamp brackets and ornate finials on top of the gables. There are subsidiary entrances with magnificent cast iron railings and gates decorated with motifs of fruit, vegetables and animals. The entrance opening onto Market Street incorporates cast iron and polychromed grapes, bluebirds, vine leaves and the heads of ducks, eagles, bulls, rams and venison. The entrance opening onto Hilgrove Street is decorated with cornucopiae, rabbits, eagles, peacocks, grapes and rams, all topped by fleur-de-lys terminals - all designed by Philippe Le Sueur and made by local iron founder George Le Feuvre.
Internal Description
Internally the space is very light and airy, the roof carried on ranges of decorative cast iron columns and floral metal struts incorporating crowns and coats of arms. There are many original market stalls and the octagonal central area is reminiscent of the dome of a palm house - housing a central circular pool and fountain by Abraham Viel comprising 3 tiers of dishes surrounded at the base by Putti, each sitting on a wine jar and leaning on a paddle. The market also houses a rare early Victorian post box.
Special interest

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The plans, drawings and material provided have been submitted to the Chief Officer for permissions in respect of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002. They are protected by copyright under the Intellectual Property (Unregistered Rights) (Jersey) Law 2011 (Article 70 of the 2011 Law).

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