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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Listed building or place reference: LA0227

Historic site reference
Seafield House
Road name
La Route de St. Aubin
St. Lawrence
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Listed Building Grade 1
Residential (rural house)
Statement of significance
Regency villa, 1808-1809. The house is one of the earliest and most ambitious examples of Regency architecture in Jersey.
External Description
A large Regency marine villa with associated grounds. There are two show fronts - the entrance front facing La Route de St Aubin to the north, and the south front with rotunda facing a large garden that stretches down to Victoria Avenue. To the east of the house is a walled kitchen garden. There is a short entrance drive with an iron fountain of mid-Victorian date. The north front of the house has a tall centrepiece set back between lower and advancing wings that allow the entrance portico to be partially recessed like a loggia. A full entablature is carried right around the building creating a waisted look. The Ionic columns of the portico with Grecian anthemion motif are repeated on the tripartite windows of the wings. Upper storeys are plain with simple cornices. The south front is dominated by a rotunda that projects a full story above the parapet. There are rusticated arches at the base of the rotunda with a verandah above with Ionic columns. The rotunda is flanked by wings and embellished with cast iron balconies. The south, garden front of the house overlooks lawn enclosed by trees and shrubbery. The south front is framed by a curved panel of lawn enclosed by a gravel path, connecting on either side of the house with the forecourt to the north.
Internal Description
The interior is of quality - the most elaborate of the rooms being the entrance hall with acanthus pattern coved cornice, pilasters bent around the corners and 4-panelled doors within arched doorways. The double drawing room to the right of the hall has large windows at either end and retains the original marble chimneypieces. On the other side of hall is the dining room complete with niches containing elegant mahogany cupboards. There are elaborate ceiling roses and cornices throughout.
Special interest

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