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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Listed building or place reference: MN0086

Historic site reference
St. Martin's Parish Church
Road name
La Rue de la Croix au Maitre
St. Martin
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Listed Building Grade 1
Church and Chapel.
Statement of significance
The church is of fundamental importance to the heritage of Jersey being amongst the oldest and most significant historic buildings in the Island. One of the 12 medieval parish churches in Jersey.
External Description
The church is in the vanguard of the Island's greatest architectural achievements. It has a long and complex structural history with visible fabric of several different dates reflecting the periods of rebuild and modification, its development intertwined with the ecclesiastical, political and social advancements and upheavals through the centuries. Current knowledge identifies the oldest part of the standing structure as the 12th century nave, crossing and chancel. It is believed the South chapel and porch were added in the 14th century and that considerable additions were then made with the building of the tower and spire and South aisle in the 15th century. Also added in the mid-15th century was the 'Dragon' window in the chancel, which is considered to be one of the best-preserved pieces of medieval work in the channel islands. A North chapel was also added. The church has a range of interesting fixtures and fittings. The fabric of the buildings and the underlying site are of significant archaeological interest as they contain unique and valuable evidence about the development of the church, and potentially of pre-Christian activity. The church is a major feature in the landscape. Its immediate setting includes a churchyard enclosed by walls and gates, containing a rich variety of tombstones and monuments - many of historic or artistic interest.
Internal Description
Special interest

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The plans, drawings and material provided have been submitted to the Chief Officer for permissions in respect of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002. They are protected by copyright under the Intellectual Property (Unregistered Rights) (Jersey) Law 2011 (Article 70 of the 2011 Law).

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