Planning application: P/2021/1993 DetailsPlans and documentsDetailsPlans and documents Planning application Property La Boutique, Gorey Pier, St. Martin, JE3 6EW Road name Parish Postcode Description Change of use from Class A retail unit to Class B coffee shop on ground floor. Construct 2 no. three bed apartments to first and second floors, 1 no. 3 bed unit to first and part of second floor and ground floor entrance, all with associated balconies. Construct granite retaining wall to North of site. Various minor alterations. LocationView on map Applicant J Mitchell Agent James Naish Architect Type Major application Status Refused Officer responsible Elizabeth Stables Constraints Built-Up Area, Coastal National Park, Eastern Cycle Route Corridor, Listed Building, Shoreline Zone, Tourist Destination Area Validated date 3rd February 2022 Advertised date 8th February 2022 End publicity date 1st March 2022 Site visited date n/a Committee meeting date n/a Decision date 18th May 2022 Appeal lodged date n/a Appeal hearing date n/a Appeal decision n/a Appeal decision date n/a For the best experience, you will need to use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge web browser to view the map Back to detail page Notifications To receive email notifications about the progress of this planning application, including when any comments are received, choose the "Notify me" button below. You will be directed to sign into your existing account or create a new account if you don't have one. Back to search results