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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Listed building or place reference: HE1153

Historic site reference
Road name
King Street
St. Helier
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Listed Building Grade 2
Retail building
Statement of significance
37-39 King Street are of interest as late Georgian buildings which contain the only example in Jersey of a Victorian galleried shop interior.
External Description
Victoria House (No.37) appears to have been built as a shop in the late Georgian period, pre-1830, and elements of its architectural design are indicative of that period. The shop occupies a prominent position with 5-bays on Brook Street and 2-bays on King Street with a curved corner bay. The building is 3-storey and is rendered in imitation ashlar with a moulded string course below a parapet wall which masks a shallow pitched roof. There is a pair of 19th century fluted cast iron columns framing a recessed corner entrance, and a similar pair of fluted cast iron columns to the Brook Street entrance. Otherwise the ground floor is characterised by large plain shop windows with panelled risers and glazed doors with long single panes and appliqué faux panels beneath - apparently dating to the 1920s. There are original 12-pane timber sash windows without horns to the first floor with a large loading 'door' at the corner. The second floor also has contemporary 12-pane sash windows but of a diminished scale, with a curved sash window to the corner. The interior of Victoria House retains some early joinery including panelled linings and aprons to the windows and unusually bold mouldings on the architrave. An internal door has matching mouldings and an unusual arrangement of 6 panels. There are some exposed floor beams visible with early beaded edges. No.39 was built in the 1820s and incorporates a building on the street frontage and another to the rear - now combined into a single space. The King Street façade is 3-storey, 3-bay and is rendered in imitation rusticated ashlars and voussoirs. A parapet wall masks the roof . There are 12-pane sash windows without horns to the second floor but the first floor has modified 2-pane sashes. The shopfront is contemporary with Victoria House and of the same c.1920s design. The interior of No.39 is of particular interest as it is the only example in Jersey of a Victorian galleried shop. The interior is open to the second floor and is circled by a full gallery with decorative cast iron balustrades and a mahogany hand rail. The gallery is accessed via an Edwardian staircase of relatively grand scale. A pair of tall, fluted cast iron columns midway in the shop supports the former boundary wall between the earlier buildings.
Internal Description
Special interest

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