2024 Department for the Economy closed consultationsLicensing Law consultationGive your views on proposed changes to the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974Closed: 26 January, 2025Type:Green paperDepartment:Department for the EconomyCompanies Law amendmentsGive your views on the proposed draft amendments to the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 and a proposed Administration ProcedureClosed: 13 December, 2024Type:White paperDepartment:Department for the EconomyConsumer Credit Regime: legislative amendmentsGive your views on the Financial Services (Jersey) Amendment Law 202-Closed: 13 December, 2024Type:White paperDepartment:Department for the EconomyTransfer of the Jersey Bank Depositors Compensation Scheme: Amendment Give your views on legislation to update the Jersey Bank Depositors Compensation SchemeClosed: 15 November, 2024Type:White paperDepartment:Department for the EconomyCompetition Law amendmentClosed: 01 November, 2024Type:White paperDepartment:Department for the EconomyAmendments to the Trusts (Jersey) Law 1984Give your views on proposed amendments to the Trusts (Jersey) Law 1984Closed: 16 August, 2024Type:Green paperDepartment:Department for the EconomyObliged Entity Access to InformationGive your views on draft legislation relating to obliged entity accessClosed: 07 June, 2024Type:White paperDepartment:Department for the EconomyShipping Registration RegulationsGive your views on amendments which are intended to enhance responsibilities for Representative Persons for Jersey-registered ships.Closed: 16 May, 2024Type:White paperDepartment:Department for the EconomySustainable Finance In JerseyHelp with the development of a policy and regulatory framework for sustainable finance for the financial services industryā€‹Closed: 26 April, 2024Type:Green paperDepartment:Department for the EconomyCyber Security LawGive your views on the draft Cyber Security (Jersey) LawClosed: 23 April, 2024Type:White paperDepartment:Department for the EconomyTransfer of the Jersey Bank Depositors Compensation SchemeGive your views on proposals to transfer the DCS to the Jersey Resolution AuthorityClosed: 29 March, 2024Type:White paperDepartment:Department for the Economy Body Content