​​​​​What we do
Infrastructure and Environment (IE) provides the conditions, facilities and decisions needed for Islanders, the environment and business to flourish and prosper.
The department’s focus is to provide the critical national infrastructure and decision making needed to enable Islanders, businesses and visitors to live, work and enjoy the Island. The department is a key delivery agent in protecting and enhancing Jersey’s natural and built environment, and in protecting the habitats and species which make the Island special.
Our delivery team services are split in 4 directorates:
- Operations and Transport
- Natural Environment
- Regulation
- Property
Operations and Transport
The Operations and Transport team is responsible for:
- collection, treatment and disposal of the Island's waste water
- recycling and disposal of refuse and other waste materials from the Island's residents and businesses
- providing a maintenance service for all parks, gardens, playing fields, woodlands, trees and open land administered by IE
- providing an Island wide municipal cleaning and public convenience cleaning service to areas administered by IE and other client departments and parishes, in accordance with agreed standards
- the management of the main road network for the benefit and safety of all users
- the management of Government of Jersey’s sea walls to protect the Island from coastal flooding ​
- development and implementation of the Sustainable Transport Policy (including public bus service, school bus service, cycling and pedestrian facilitates, travel awareness and parking policies)
- provision and maintenance of all public car-parking services
- the vehicle procurement, maintenance, repair and fleet management of all States vehicles
- running the Government of Jersey’s sporting and events facilities
Natural Environment
Natural Environment provide scientific services and practical advice to support government policy, legislation, and enforcement. The team are responsible for:
- informing the public and sectors
- safeguarding our land and marine environments and our natural and farmed flora and fauna
- operating a meteorological and climatological service for the Channel Islands
- providing a government veterinary service
- providing a fisheries protection and research service for our 800 square miles of territorial waters
- managing the Island’s countryside access networks and ensuring that Jersey complies with international legal obligation
The Regulation team carry out a wide range of activities to make sure:
- our built and natural environment is maintained and enhanced
- we can live safely in our homes
- we can purchase safe goods and services
Our first course of action is to help individuals and businesses remain within the relevant legislation applicable to their activity. Our values mean that we:
- carry out activities in a way that protects the public of Jersey and supports those we regulate to comply and grow
- provide simple and straightforward ways to engage with those we regulate and hear their views
- base our regulatory activities on risk​
- share information about compliance and risk
- ensure clear information, guidance and advice is available to help those they regulate meet their responsibilities to comply
- ensure our approach to regulatory activities is transparent
Infrastructure and Environment Regulators Code
Infrastructure and Environment Decision Making Protocol
Enforcement Policy for the Regulation Directorate​​​
Property Holdings directorate provides well-maintained, safe, legislatively-compliant and financially-sustainable property which allows the Government of Jersey to meet its obligation to the public. The capital team deliver major capital projects which support the continued provision of high standards of service to the public including:
- managing the government property portfolio and ensuring it is correctly configured to match future requirements
- maintaining the assets under management to ensure they are safe and compliant with the relevant landlord obligations
- delivering major government building and infrastructure projects