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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Photo of gold wedding ring placed on open bookPhoto of gold wedding ring placed on open book

Step 1: apply to marry in Jersey

You need to apply to the Superintendent Registrar (SIR) to have a civil or religious marriage (other than a Church of England marriage) in Jersey.

If you want to marry in a Church of England ceremony, find further guidance on getting married in an Anglican Church in Jersey.

To marry or have a civil partnership in Jersey you must:

  • be able to speak and understand English
  • be over the age of 18 years
  • be free to marry. As in, not married or in a civil partnership with anyone else
  • not be related to your partner
  • be able to indicate that you understand that you are applying to marry or have a civil partnership
  • be entering into a marriage or civil partnership willingly

Your application should be completed by yourself, your partner or a third party if you're using a wedding planner. You need to bring copies of all the required supporting evidence and submit your application a maximum of 12 months before your wedding day.

You need to bring the original documents or copies issued by the issuing authority in either English or French for both applicants:

  • standard full birth certificate or adoption certificate from the original registering authorities
  • valid, in date passport
  • utility bill or bank statement for both applicants dated within 3 months
  • all decree absolutes or dissolution documents, if applicable
  • death certificates of any former spouse, if applicable
  • enrolled deed poll, if applicable. Unenrolled deed polls will not be accepted

We do not accept:

  • shortened birth certificates without parent details
  • laminated documents
  • photocopies
  • statutory declarations
  • unregistered deed polls

Your application must include the:

  • date and time of your wedding
  • approved location of your wedding
  • name of your marriage celebrant

You must have confirmed a booking with the venue for your ceremony before you make your application.

If you don't live in Jersey, you need to state on your application whether you're an EU, EEA or Swiss national. If you're not an EU, EEA or Swiss National, we'll give you a letter confirming your provisional booking for marriage. This means that you can then apply to the Home Office to get your marriage visa.

The application costs £220.76, this includes giving notice. Once your application has been accepted we'll contact you to arrange payment.

Any fees paid to us are non-refundable.​

Application for marriage

Step 2: give notice to marry

At least eight weeks before your wedding day both you and your partner need to:

  • sign the Freedom to Marry Declaration 
  • complete a Notice of Intended Marriage Form

You can do this at our office by appointment or we can send it to you. Once you have completed this we'll enter your details into the notice to marry book.

To give notice, you and your partner must have:

  • lived at your current address for at least seven days before you give notice
  • given original or certified copies of the required supporting evidence to us
  • signed a Freedom to Marry Declaration
  • completed a Notice of Intended Marriage Form

Step 3: we publish your notice to marry

We'll publish your notice to marry at our office and on the website.

Step 4: request a marriage schedule

Once your notice to marry has been published, we will arrange your marriage schedule appointment. The marriage schedule is the legal document that allows you to marry.

To get your marriage schedule you and your partner must visit our office 3 to 10 days before your ceremony to:

  • sign a Signature Verifier Form
  • have a photo taken of you both
  • provide your Certificate of no-impediment or Certificate of Freedom to Marry, if applicable
  • pay the Marriage Schedule fee of £331.15 to £353.28, depending on your venue and date of ceremony

Once this is complete, we'll issue:​

  • the marriage schedule
  • 3 copies of the marriage certificate
  • the Signature Verifier Form
  • photo of the couple to the marriage celebrant

Any fees paid to us are non-refundable.

Changing your notice to marry

You can make changes to the date, time or location set out in your notice to marriage if:

  • it is more than 26 days before your wedding date
  • you pay a fee of £55.19​

Any fees paid to us are non-refundable.​

Application to change notice to marry

Getting married in special circumstances

If you need to get married in special circumstances, contact us.

Special circumstances can include if either you or your partner are:

  • dying
  • housebound
  • detained in prison, in hospital, or in another secure facility

Cancelling your wedding

If you wish to cancel your wedding, email and include:

  • the date of your wedding
  • full names of both parties
  • that you wish to cancel your application to marry

Make sure both parties are copied into the email.

We will advise by return email that your application has been cancelled.

All fees paid to date are non-refundable and cannot be carried forward for a future application.​

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