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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Photo of gold wedding ring placed on open bookPhoto of gold wedding ring placed on open book

​​​​Step 1: apply for a location to be approved for marriage

You can only get married in a location that has been approved for marriage.

A location can be approved:

  • for single ceremony
  • as a location for regular marriages
  • as a place of religious worship

The location needs to be open to the public one hour before and throughout the ceremony, and cannot have food or drink within that area.

You need to submit your application for your location to be approved at least three months before the date of your ceremony. 

It can take up to two months to get a location approved.​

Single ceremony approval

A single ceremony approval will be for your own wedding, such as a private house or garden. 

The cost for a single ceremony approval is £247.68.

3-year approval

A 3-year approval is for marriages that are happening on a regular basis for example in hotels.

The cost for a 3-year approval is £463.06.

Conditions of approval

For a location to be approved for marriage it needs to:

  • be dignified in presentation, decoration and character
  • have no food or drink (whether alcoholic or non-alcoholic) at, served or consumed in the location where the ceremony is to take place
  • have clear boundaries which must match with the application, authorisation document and plan
  • be accessible to any member of the public to attend the ceremony

Marriages: application for an approved location

Renew a 3-year approval

You must complete the online application form as if it were a new application, including a payment of £463.06.

The location will be inspected prior to approval being given and a new authorisation of approved location document will be produced if approval is given.

Marriages: application for an approved location​​

Add a new location to an existing approval

The cost to add a new location is £110.38.

Marriages: additional areas for an existing location

​Step 2: assessment

Once we have received your application, we will send it to the constable of the relevant parish.

The constable may visit the location and consult with anyone who they think necessary.

Step 3: if your location gets approved

If the location is approved we will inform you and anyone who has been consulted or commented on the application.

We will post an authorisation for approved location document to you.

The authorisation document will include the details of:

  • the name of the holder of the approval
  • the name and number of the responsible person
  • all areas approved for marriage
  • any special conditions
  • the type of approval and duration​
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