Air quality: diffusion tube results 2014
Produced by the
Health and Care
Authored by
Health and Social Services
and published on
29 Apr 2015
Cost: £3,000.00
This report presents the results for 2014 of an ongoing programme of air quality monitoring in Jersey, carried out by AEA on behalf of the Environmental Health Department of the States of Jersey.
An automatic monitoring station for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) has been located in the Central Market, Halkett Place, St Helier since 2008. In addition, non-automatic diffusion tube samplers were used for indicative monitoring of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) at 12 sites.
Monitoring sites included areas likely to be affected by specific emission sources (such as a petrol station and a paint-spraying process), as well as general background locations.
Annual mean concentrations of NO2 at all 12 diffusion tube monitoring sites were all within the EC Directive limit value. Annual means were generally comparable with the previous year’s results.