There is a recognised link between our housing conditions and our physical and mental health. How we live, and the different aspects of our housing, can affect our health.
However, the relationship between housing conditions and health is complicated - poor housing conditions often exist along with other forms of deprivation, such as:
- unemployment
- poor education
- social isolation
This makes it difficult to assess and change the overall health impact of housing conditions.
Housing-related factors that can affect your health
Housing-related factors that can affect your health include:
- agents that affect the quality of the indoor environment, such as indoor pollutants (eg asbestos, carbon monoxide, radon, lead, moulds and volatile organic chemicals)
- cold and damp
- housing design and layout (which can also affect accessibility and usability of housing)
- infestations
- hazardous internal structures or fixtures
- noise
- the environment - over-crowding, sleep deprivation, neighbourhood quality, lack of availability of / access to health and other services, and neighbourhood safety
- housing allocation, lack of housing (including homelessness and temporary accommodation), housing investment and urban planning
The home is important because it:
a) is central to life and meets the fundamental human need for shelter
b) also meets the human desires for:
- comfort
- security
- privacy
- independence
- personal identity
Complaints about housing conditions
If you live in a privately rented property we recommend you raise concerns about the standards of housing with your landlord. If your landlord fails to put things right we ask that you contact Environmental Health. We will work with the landlord to rectify any problems, or provide you with advice if you wish to take this step yourself. If your landlord fails to undertake the necessary work we can use legal powers to require improvements.
If you live in a property managed by Andium we encourage you to report faults via their website
Existing legislation is available on for review, or click on the following links.
Housing Health and Safety Rating System and Jersey's housing law
This is a report on the incorporation of the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) into the housing law of the States of Jersey.
Incorporation of Housing Health and Safety Rating System into Housing Law of States of Jersey (government and administration section)