​​Jersey registered vessels
To fish commercially in the Jersey Territorial Sea, Jersey registered vessels must hold a Jersey Fishing Boat licence issued by the Minister.
To operate a charter fishing vessel in the Jersey Territorial Sea, a Jersey Fishing Boat Licence is required.
The Jersey Fishing Boat licensing system is part of the British licensing system and operates under the reciprocal licensing arrangements of the Jersey / UK Fisheries Management Agreement. The Fisheries Management Agreement is currently under review to take account of Brexit and the new Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the UK and the EU.
In addition, to the Jersey Fishing Boat licence, owners and masters of Jersey registered fishing boats are required to hold:
Commercial fishing on Ports of Jersey website
States of Jersey Fisheries and Marine Resources Facebook page
Applying for a Jersey Fishing Boat Licence
To apply, the vessel must:
Fishing licence entitlements
The vessel owner also needs to obtain suitable fishing licence entitlement(s) of sufficient engine power and tonnage to licence the vessel for the intended fishing activity.
Licence entitlements can be purchased on the open market anywhere in the UK. If you are considering purchasing a licence entitlement you are strongly advised to contact the department before entering into any financial commitment, to ensure validity and that the entitlement(s) meet your needs.
The department can assist in completion of the forms to transfer licence entitlements.
Fishing licence application
Once the vessel is registered and the licence entitlement(s) transferred into the owner's name, a UK licence application can be made to the Marine Management Organisation's Plymouth office. Officers from this department can assist with the application process.
When the UK licence is received an application can be made for an additional 'piggy back' Jersey Fishing Boat licence which authorises commercial fishing in the Jersey Territorial Sea.
Jersey Fishing Boat Licence application form for Jersey registered vessels
Vessel licensing on the Marine Management Organisation website
Licence conditions for Jersey registered vessels
It is the responsibility of licence holders and skippers to ensure​ they are complying with their licence conditions.
Schedule 1: under and over 10 metre Jersey fishing boat licences
Schedule 2: 10 metre and under Jersey fishing boat licences
Schedule 2: over 10 metre Jersey fishing boat licences
Logbooks for Jersey vessels
All licence holders have to complete fishing logbooks.
Under 10m vessels
Licence holders must submit quarterly catch returns using either their official Under 10m paper or online logbook. If you wish to use the online logbook contact the department where you will be given guidance and a pin number.
Online logbook
Schedule 3: under 10 metre logbook - procedures for completion
Under 10 metre online logbook instructions
10m - 12m vessels
Masters are required to complete a European Community fishing paper logbook. Log sheets must be submitted to the Department within 48 hours of landing.
Over 12m vessels
Masters should ensure that the relevant logbook is completed in accordance with the
Regulations and their fishing licence conditions. Over 12m vessels are required by the Sea Fisheries (Log Books, Transhipment and Landing Declarations) (Jersey) Regulations 2014 to keep an electronic logbook however when fishing in Jersey waters. They are also required by licence condition to submit a paper logsheet detailing catches in Jersey waters. This is because the E logbook does not currently differentiate between Jersey, Guernsey and French waters.
Quotas for vessels
Jersey licenced vessels are required to fish to quotas applicable to British registered vessels fishing in sea area VIIE (Western English Channel). These quotas are published in the equivalent UK fishing licence annexe. The most common quota species caught in Jersey waters include:
skate and ray
It is the responsibility of both the licence holder and skipper to check the available quota.
Under 10m vessels quota limitations on GOV.UK
Over 10m vessels quota limitations on GOV.UK
Instructions for looking up quota
EU registered vessels
A list of all Jersey licensed EU vessels is published on the UK Single Issuing Authority website.
Replacement Vessel Policy
The principles for the Jersey approach to replacement vessels are outlined in the policy:
Jersey replacement vessel policy (English)
Licence conditions applicable to Jersey Fishing Licence for EU Vessels
It is the responsibility of licence holders and skippers to ensure they are complying with their licence conditions.
Schedule 1: Jersey fishing licences - EU vessel
Schedule 2: Jersey fishing licence conditions - EU vessels​
Logbooks for EU vessels
EU Vessels holding a licence to fish in the territorial sea of Jersey must declare details of fishing effort and catches in Jersey waters within 48 hours of landing.
The EU Vessel logsheet below must be completed as per the instructions in Schedule 3 of the Jersey Fishing Licence – EU Vessels and submitted by email to
fisheries@gov.je within 48 hours of landing.
Schedule 3: Logbook instructions - Jersey fishing licence – EU Vessels
EU Vessel logsheet template
Schedule 3: Logbook instructions - Jersey fishing licence - EU Vessels (French)​
EU vessel logsheet template (French)​