Summary of agencies and stakeholders safeguarding the Island against financial crime
ā€‹A list of the most common abbreviations used by Jersey finance industry
Read the Financial Crime Strategy Group's objective reports on the Islandā€™s exposure to risk
Sanctions are used as an enforcement tool to maintain and restore international peace and security
As part of the Government of Jersey's programme of combatting financial crime, guidance on countries that present a higher risk have been produced
Summaries of recent Royal Court cases with some connection to financial crime
Find out which entities with their own legal personality can be formed in Jersey, and the relevant requirements
Recent legislation adopted by the States in relation to financial crime
Find out how Jerseyā€™s regime for combatting financial crime has been assessed
Updates of developments in financial crime, and links to resources including materials from live events
Find out how Jersey's non-profit organisations are avoiding being abused or misused for money laundering or terrorist financing