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Housing company board members sought

02 September 2013

The Housing Minister, Deputy Andrew Green, is seeking applications for anyone wishing to be on the board of the proposed new States-owned housing company.
The creation of the board designate is part of the next phase of the development of the new company which, if approved, will administer all States’ social housing. The board designate will become the board on incorporation.
The board will have six members: a chair, three non-executive directors and two tenant representatives.

Housing tenants invited to apply

The positions of chair and three non-executive directors are being advertised this week. The Minister will be writing to all Housing tenants inviting them to apply for one of the two roles of tenant representative.
Deputy Green said “These exciting new appointments offer the opportunity to help develop and lead in the provision of social and affordable housing in Jersey and support the delivery of the States Strategic Objective, ‘House our community’.
“There are a great number of dedicated tenants involved in the Tenants Forum, High Rise Panel and numerous residents groups and associations. Their commitment and involvement in the policies and changes that we have developed so far has been invaluable and I would encourage those that have an interest in the onward development of housing to apply for a position on the board.
“Housing is a social business providing homes and services to 13,000 Island residents.  In addition to meeting the challenges and demands of changing demographics, there is a vital need to continue the task of upgrading the social housing stock to the ‘decent homes standard’ over the next 10 years.
“It is imperative that the new company has representation through the services of experienced independent board directors with wide and deep knowledge of the legal, financial, commercial, economic and social implications of managing social housing, and who can bring a commercial focus and added value to the work of the company.”

Appointments Commission

The Appointments Commission will be involved in the recruitment and selection process and the proposed board designate appointments will be presented to the States Assembly for approval.
Best practice governance demonstrates housing organisations are successful when there is involvement of the customer – the tenant – in all the activities of the company.
A number of publications on the reform proposals and the new company's full business case have been published and can be found under 'Social housing reform'.
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