The Assisted Dying Citizens' Jury will take place via online sessions in Spring 2021. The Jury will be selected at random and will demographically represent the Island's population
Business plans, annual reports and strategies from the Viscount's
States of Jersey Government Website.
Jersey Gazette notices - 02 November 2020
Amendments have been made to the identifying information for 2 individuals in the Burundi regime.
Jersey Gazette notices - 10 August 2020
Amendments have been made to the identifying information for 6 individuals in the Central African Republic financial sanctions regime
Jersey Gazette notices - 21 June 2020
10 entries have been amended in the Iran (nuclear proliferation) regime
Jersey Gazette notices - 27 June 2021
Identifying information has been amended for 1 entry on the Belarus financial sanctions regime.
Jersey Gazette notices - 11 July 2021
Identifying information has been amended for 2 entries on the Belarus financial sanctions regime
Jersey Gazette notices - 11 August 2021
Identifying information has been amended for 4 entries on the Belarus financial sanctions regime.
Jersey Gazette notices - 18 October 2020
Identifying information for 2 individuals and 3 entities have been amended in the Democratic of Congo regime
Jersey Gazette notices - 28 February 2023
1 entry has been amended under the Russia financial sanctions regime
Jersey Gazette notices - 20 September 2020
Amendments have been made to the identifying information for 11 entries in the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Organisations financial sanctions regime.
Jersey Gazette notices - 24 March 2021
Identifying information for 8 individuals has been amended for the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaidia financial sanctions regime.
Jersey Gazette notices - 03 August 2020
Amendments have been made to the identifying information for 37 entries in the North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) financial sanctions regime
Jersey Gazette notices - 16 November 2020
Amendments have been made to the identifying information for 16 individuals in the Venezuela regime
Jersey Gazette notices - 25 January 2021
Identifying information for 2 individuals has been amended and 4 individuals have been removed from the Tunisia regime
Jersey Gazette notices - 09 November 2020
Amendments have been made to the identifying information for 2 entries in the Turkey regime.
States of Jersey Government Website.
Reports - 20 May 2021
States of Jersey Government Website.